Summit of the Future and Pact For The Future Of Total Slavery Explainer
IOJ made you all an explainer and why we need to ACT BIGLY in the next 3 weeks!!!!
Road To Nuremberg 2 - PCR FRAUD: The Evidence With James Roguski and Interest Of Justice
The Dangers of Improper PCR Testing: Harm and Misdiagnosis The Profit-Driven Testing Industry
In this interview on Justice For Humanity with Interest of Justice taken August 6, 2024, the day before the 5 year anniversary of the passing of PCR inventor Kary Mullis, researcher James Roguski discusses the PCR fraud and how the PCR test is not a diagnostic test. He explains that the PCR process is a laboratory process that can identify genetic material but cannot determine whether a pathogen is causing disease.
Roguski emphasizes that the cycle threshold of the PCR test is irrelevant and that the test is being used as a customer acquisition tool to scare people into using more services. He encourages everyone to read his document on PCR fraud and distribute it widely to raise awareness.
The conversation delves into the role of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the treaty in the profiteering from pandemic product peddling. It discusses the evolution of the IHR from its original purpose of monitoring health at borders to its current focus on surveillance and prevention.
The conversation also highlights the misuse of PCR tests and the lack of informed consent regarding their potential harm. It emphasizes the need for individuals to take action by notifying government officials of the facts and challenging the fraudulent use of technology. The conversation concludes with a call to expose the fraud and pull the linchpin out of their fraudulent system and finally unite as one humanity to sue the WHO.
The conversation discusses the PCR fraud and the misuse of PCR tests as diagnostic tools. The guest, James Roguski, provides evidence that the PCR process is not a diagnostic test and explains how it is being used to perpetrate a fraud. The hosts emphasize the importance of distributing this information and challenging the WHO's false narrative. They also discuss the potential harm caused by improper swabbing techniques and the need to stand up for individual rights and health sovereignty.
The conversation discusses the role of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Emergency Use Listing (EUL) in alleged pandemic profiteering. It highlights the disproportionate nature of blanket measures and the importance of understanding diversity in international law.
The conversation also delves into the issue of surveillance and the use of PCR tests, emphasizing the need for informed consent and the potential harm of invasive procedures.
The conversation concludes with a call to action, urging individuals to take legal steps and challenge the fraudulent use of technology by going to and sharing the information, as well as signing online at to tell WHO DG Tedros and top decision makers that the PCR is unfit to diagnose a “case”, “PHEIC” or “Pandemic” and ask them to refute the information in the PCR fraud Notice and Statement of Facts.
00:00 Introduction and Overview of the PCR Fraud
01:47 History and Repeating Patterns of Fraudulent Practices
03:14 The Test is Not a Diagnostic: Evidence and Quotes
05:41The Destructive Nature of the PCR Process
10:06 The Importance of Distributing Information and Holding Authorities Accountable
14:56 The PCR Fraud and its Implications
18:52 Unifying Against the Fraud: Defending Individual Rights and Health Sovereignty
25:24 Challenging the WHO and Demanding Real Diagnostics
30:46 The Disproportionate Nature of Blanket Measures
31:43 The Role of Surveillance in the IHR and EUL
35:12 The Experimental Nature of PCR Tests
44:05 The Fraudulent Use of Technology
55:45 Taking Legal Action and Challenging the Status Quo as a potential Crime Against Humanity
Individuals are encouraged to take legal action and challenge the current situation.
Visit: to sign online - Send The Evidence - The Evidence
Support the global lawsuit against WHO and their PCR fraud - Internal Oversight of WHO FINALLY referred the PCR dispute to National Authorities. There has NEVER been a better time to act to discredit PCR and fake pandemics.
Follow the Interest of Justice legal saga to make things right after the so called covid pandemic attack:
Costa Rica President Rejects W.H.O. Orders | Insists Brave CR Will Never Renounce It's Sovereignty
No government is going to come here, no international organization for which no Costa Rican voted, to give us orders. - President Chaves denouncing WHO’s ability to usurp sovereignty
Full speech:
To the level at which I can speak, Costa Rica will not resign under my government its sovereignty.
And that sovereignty means that we, based on science and good conscience, we will take the measures we create to benefit the greatest number of people and no government is going to come here, no international organization for which no Costa Rican voted, to give us orders.
We are a brave people, very courteous, very kind, very nice, but we are not cowards at all. - President Chaves
see full article:
Final HHS OGA May 2, 2024 Listening Session For WHA77 Vote On The Pandemic Treaty And IHR Amendments
This is a video of the full public stakeholder listening session at HHS OGA May 2, 2024 in order to advise all of the US Delegates that are attending the WHO WHA77 May 27-June 1, 2024 about the pandemic treaty and IHR Amendments.
Thankfully some fearless hero's showed up to firmly say NO to the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR Amendments. The session closed EARLY (in only an hour and a half) because there were no more speakers who came to the 8 am pacific time open session to speak directly to the US government about the treaty.
THANK YOU to everyone who showed up, and also to everyone who supports IoJ's long term effort to save Humanity from the weaponized public health security horror-show called WHO.
We have an open donation drive to fund our Justice For Humanity Fund, a non profit to raise the lawyers fees for Dr. Yeadon and other experts to get into court to disprove the WHO science on so called gene vaccines, censorship, climate science and serious scientific and research misconduct.
We stand firm in our right to DISSENT! - help us help Dr. Yeadon and the censored experts get in front of a judge to take down WHO for scientific fraud and misconduct!
SUE the WHO - do not consent!!!!!
Idiots Guide To EXIT The WHO - Sue the WHO Initiative is starting - join us!
We are always chatting with everyone on our Substack - Subscribe and comment to strike up a conversation and take actions!
We also posted this video on YouTube with the following warning:
Notice to Youtube. This is a video of a PUBLIC HEARING. Do not censor it or Youtube will be liable for violating our right to participate in science and limiting information and opinion that is a non derogable right to express, needed for informed consent.
See: Human Rights Council
Fifty-fifth session
26 February–5 April 2024
Agenda item 3
Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil,
political, economic, social and cultural rights,
including the right to development
Right to participate in science
Report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, Alexandra Xanthaki*
G. Bypassing democracy and the rule of law
86. Emergencies, real or inflated, have been used to bypass democratic control in scientific use. There is a need to use law, including human rights law, in implementing science, and to reinforce the legal, regulatory and policy framework to allow for democratic control over the scientific enterprise. Democratic control does not equate with state control. States must allow a variety of voices rather than ensuring its monopoly in decision-making regarding scientific matters.
Interest of Justice is expressing their right to participate in science and free opinion. Any censorship of this video WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE CHARGES AGAINST YOUTUBE FOR PERSECUTION AND LIMITING CULTURAL RIGHTS!
Interest Of Justice Media Inc Registered Non-Profit Legal Advocacy and Citizen Journalism
~Music by Udio
Sue the WHO Legal Initiative (Idiot's Guide to EXIT the WHO)
Go to WHO Watch: & sign up there:
See you all soon as we start on the worlds most formidable legal & ethical strike force the world has ever faced. We have to because the threat is the most formidable threat humanity has ever faced.
Sue the WHO Legal Initiative (Idiot’s Guide to EXIT the WHO)
IoJ ZOOM With WHO & Jeremy Farrar GPW14 CSO Consultation Protest mRNA, Climate Scam And Censorship
Interest of Justice Spoke To Jeremy Ferrar and the World Health Organization Chief Scientist at the General Programme of Work 14 (GPW14) in Geneva CH on January 12, 2024, (GPW14), 2025–2028 “Advancing health equity and health systems resilience in a turbulent world: a global health agenda for 2025–2028.
IoJ protested the 11.3 Billion dollar funding of the SDG's, emerging technology, mRNA vaccines and viral vector.
Here's the transcript:
Here’s the Speech:
My name is Dustin Bryce from IoJ and the collective action of the Global Science Integrity Task Force and Anti corruption unit
I’d like to say thank you so much for this opportunity to speak here at this CSO’s consultation today and for the GPW working group. we appreciate it for the involvement of CSO’s
I’ll try to make this as quick as possible to allow others,
In the previous meeting we attended on Oct 30, 2023 GPW14, our sister organization free speech association was censored by World Health Organization after posting a video of UN head of communications saying the UN owns the science on climate and works with Google to rig the search results. SDG 13 climate emergency is not scientifically agreed upon and still in dispute.
In order for WHO to meet their obligation of science integrity the WHO must prove and debate the contentious science of climate emergency as well as the SDG 3 which involves the novel gene vaccine science.
We are very concerned that the SDG 3, involving unproven vaccine interventions about the mRNA and Viral vector, are unethical under Nuremberg Code and prohibited for affecting future generations without informed consent. We're callingthe Surgeon General of the State of Florida has issued a global call to action to halt mRNA due to the very real issue of proven DNA integration and WHO has failed to act appropriately by FAILING TO DELIST THE EUL FOR COVID VACCINES.
The WHO should not increase funding to the EUL program because we tried to contact people to delist the EUL yesterday as a matter of fact and the email is broken., there may not be enough staff in regards to this, so there is no way to actually delist the toxic covid vaccines. We cant stop the global breach of obligations to human rights or protect the health and welfare of humanity because the EUL program is not functional and needs assistance.
We are very concerned that WHOs misinformation programs are censoring and silencing dissenting professionals such as our experts that speak out about this crime against humanity of experimentation on the genome. These WHO information management programs are causing global systematic widespread human rights violations and must be stopped not funded.
We’re actually calling on Jeremy Farrar to create a global action and come in to speak to our chief scientists, some of our head chief scientists that we have formed in our collective action that we have created.
WHO's focus must be on the target of funding independent anti corruption actions because WHO refuses…
Would you please conclude?
In conclusion,
We believe an independent monitoring, verification and assessment body at arm’s length or separate from WHO such as our Global Science Integrity Task Force is crucial to success of the international system for pandemic preparedness and response. Being a primary stakeholder in PPR.
We haven't seen any public portal and we think there should at least be a public portal for them to participate in these events.
Thank you so much for the time to speak and sincerely we appreciate to have a voice and free speech.
Thank you…
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IoJ Speaks At HHS INB To Protest Pandemic Treaty: June 28, 2023 HHS Stakeholder Listening Session
IoJ showed up to the HHS INB Listening Session On June 28, 2023 to protest the Pandemic Treaty and expose WHO crimes. IoJ stated that they should not continue forward until they respond to our criminal complaints filed against the WHO within the ethics departments and also to expose the WHO for refusing to answer criminal charges of serious breach of international obligations by undue experimentation and crimes against humanity.
Here's the speech
"This treaty is not salvageable because it violates international law including making experiments into health policy, vaccine passports, financial burdens on 3rd world countries and so much more including persecution of so call mis information.
The WHO and the HHS have zero authority delegated to even negotiate this criminal treaty which violates so many rights and norms.
the only thing that is important is that there are unanswered criminal charges against the WHO which HHS and the WHO DG Tedros are ignoring in order to continue illegal relations and continue drafting the void treaty.
We expect an answer from you to the criminal charges we informed you of in May 2022 and again May 2023 which are still unanswered by both Tedros and HHS.
HHS is clearly aiding the WHO Pre-qualification Program to commit crimes using biological agent causing undue experimentation. Those are crimes that WHO and HHS refuse to answer to. It appears that HHS wants to make these crimes into some kind of international Norm through the WHO treaty.
Our organization has a mission and our job is to prevent corruption and for that reason we forbid you to continue any relations with the WHO, including the treaty. There are far more important things to attend to than making a void treaty, such as answering our serious criminal charges.
We are very frustrated WHO and HHS ignore our very serious criminal charges and continue doing void corrupt acts against human rights. It means you are forcing us to sue you and sue the WHO to prevent your corruption and void treaty that would strip many rights from the people.
What if we are right there is a serious legal problem with the treaty and the entire relations with the WHO which is criminal? There are hundreds of pages on your desk proving many crimes and many unanswered emails asking for responses. Shouldn't the HHS answer us first in case we are right that the WHO and HHS are engaging in serious human rights violations in the WHO pre-qualification program and by negotiating this treaty?
If you all continue to ignore us and our criminal charges be aware that our organization will be forced to sue ALL of you in your individual and official capacity for breach of duty and we will absolutely prove that the pandemic treaty is VOID on it's face for many reasons as well as the weaponized misinformation programs, vaccine passports and so much more. Its all void and illegal so we prohibit you from continuing. Consider this speech a writ of prohibition. We will follow up in writing
Thank you very much Its all Void! Thank you and have a fabulous day"
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We are winning! Don't let them trick you into believing otherwise. IoJ will not stop until humanity wins this! TYRANTS ARE DOOMED!!!
#ExitTheWho #SueTheWHO
IoJ Speaks At HHS OGA To Protest IHR Amendments: June 20, 2023 HHS Stakeholder Listening Session
Interest of Justice speaks for the third time at the Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs (HHS OGA) to once again protest the IHR Amendments and also to expose the WHO for refusing to answer criminal charges of serious breach of international obligations by undue experimentation and crimes against humanity.
Here's the transcript below:
First: HHS and WHO still owe us a response from May 2022 and 2023. HHS is in the wrong for moving forward with these IHR amendments when we testified here last month to show you your very clear duty to leave the WHO for International breach of obligations and delicts.
4. Second, The amendments cannot be binding. Jus cogens international norms would require the binding recommendations of a specialized agency that cause damages to waive immunity and be responsible for reparations.
5. Article 1 outrageously attempts to make investigational vaccines and gene based therapies as well as "other vague health technologies". Experimental biological agents are not a health product. The proposed definition is void and reckless because FDA website states "investigational biologics are not found by FDA to be safe or effective and furthermore may cause serious adverse reactions".
6. Annex 6 would unlawfully consider vaccination certificates for research phase products. The concept of Digital ID's, certificates and QR codes is disproportionate and the WEF risk report this month admits they canfacilitate“the identification, surveillance and persecution of individuals or groups.”
7. Annex 1 pg 33 countering misinformation and disinformation is not within the authority of the WHO or member states and as its been used, it already allows for the weaponization of government to systematically suppress free thought, a non derogable right that can never be limited. These misinformation programs flat violate jus cogens and are therefore void.
8. Article 3 removing well established respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms for arbitrary undefined words is an assault on rule of law, dignity of man and obviously void
9. We remind HHS that if you dare adopt one void provision that violates peremptory norms of jus cogens human rights, which the majority of proposals do violate these norms, it will automatically render the entire instrument void.
10. It is worth mentioning that A UK FOIA regarding the proposed amendments reveals "a legal opinion and a risk analysis regarding the U.K. position" is not able to released because "releasing the requested information would likely harm the relations between the United Kingdom and other WHO member States and also UK interests abroad". Right there it goes to show the proposed amendments sound good in public but in secret the amendments are inherently harmful to diplomatic relations between WHO member States. HHS must leave the WHO now. Its your duty.
Thank you very much!
IOJ is very proud of all the people who came to speak up. It goes to show the power of an individual because in May 2022 IOJ stumbled across the opportunity to speak and in turn we applied this year which we got to speak May 3rd, 2023. This led to us getting a return invite by HHS and we then shared the opportunity with researcher/activist James Roguski to share with our audiences... the result: we PACKED THE MEETING with real honest good people who really forced HHS to realize the real consensus is NO we the People do not want these amendments to the IHR.
HHS promised the group that they will listen to us and read our written comments and insist" NOTHING HAS BEEN ADOPTED OR CONCLUDED".
We are winning! IoJ will not stop until humanity wins this! #ExitTheWho #SueTheWHO
Support IOJ's fight here:
Interest Of Justice 90 Second Video To The WHO/INB Pandemic Treaty, September 9, 2022
Interest Of Justice 90 second video to the WHO/INB on the "New international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response: contributing to the second round of public hearings at the WHO/INB"
Here is the question from the WHO/INB in which IOJ is responding:
"Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?”
90 second video transcript by IOJ:
"Interest of Justice experience in the declared COVID-19 pandemic was a loss of health from unnecessary limitations on rights not strictly required by the exigencies of the situation
Ordinary administrative measures and treatments were always available to treat covid-19, but were not utilized in order to declare the pandemic.
The treaty is intended to re-define pandemic, despite the word being already defined in customary law.
The WHO concedes that a pandemic cannot be controlled, therefore, If the WHO were to try to better prevent future pandemics they would not only be going against the unequivocal rules of science, they would be going against their previous COVID-19 declaration of pandemic where the WHO confessed that a pandemic cannot be controlled.
To protect health in the future there should be no centralized international level healthcare system and blanket measures are presumed disproportionate on their face.
To respect the sovereignty of each country as well as meet the who’s obligations to the IHR article 3 section 4, The control and management of pandemics should be left to each individual nation to handle in the way that their sovereign legislators intended in their own regulations.
The WHO unilaterally lowered the bar for the word pandemic by omitting the one essential element required by the common law, which is the essential element of “great danger to life, or high mortality rate”.
The WHOs definition of pandemic wrongfully allows for the imposition of measures merely because of an apprehension of potential danger, violating article 54 of the Siracusa principles. Resolving this breach of WHOs obligations must be addressed before any pandemic treaty is drafted."
There is much more that IOJ wanted to say but didn't get the due process to explain why it was a fools errand. So below is the transcript of what IOJ expressly wanted to say in regards to the WHO's question to the public.
Ordinary administrative measures and treatments were always available to treat covid-19, which makes a declaration of pandemic in violation of international law, however the unnecessary measures were Imposed merely because of The Who’s apprehension of potential danger.
The WHO declared the pandemic while they say pandemic was not defined, which is arbitrary and capricious on its face and especially shocking because Tedros declared march 11 2020 and we quote:
“We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly. It’s a word that if misused can cause unreasonable fear leading to unnecessary suffering and death. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus and we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time.”
Below is the information so you can submit your own video to the WHO/INB:
You are invited to submit a video statement of up to 90 seconds, accompanied by a transcript, in response to the following guiding question:
"Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?”
Statements can be submitted in any of the six official WHO languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese).
The submission period will open on Friday 9 September and will close on Tuesday 13 September 2022.
Further information about the registration process, the terms and conditions for participation, and the process to submit a video statement is available at
WHO will broadcast two three-hour segments of a selection of compiled video statements on the WHO website – on 29 and 30 September 2022. Other video statements will be made available on the WHO website following the hearings.
Interest of Justice video tutorial on submitting the video:
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NOTICE: W.H.O. Is Accepting Your 90 Sec. Video September 9-13, 2022 Pandemic Treaty
PUBLIC NOTICE to submit your video to the second public hearing in regards to the WHO's (World Health Org.) creation of the "pandemic treaty".
Second round: 29-30 September 2022
The second round of public hearings will address the guiding question: “Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?”
Video submission Deadline September 9-13,
2022 to this address -
Costa Rica Drops COVID Vaccine Mandates After FOIA Reveals Illegality!
In a stunning press conference on Weds., August 3, 2022, Costa Rica's newly elected President, Rodrigo Chaves, accompanied by Minister of Health, Joselyn Chacón, repeatedly denounced mandatory "vaccination" as not only illegal, but against key recommendations made by none other than the World Health Organization) and the Pan-American Health Organization. Sensitive to how hostile media and political opponents had portrayed them, the two underscored the fact that they were following WHO/PAHO guidelines, and were not "anti-vaxxers" who are "anti-science". They showed that the National Vaccination and Epidemiology Commission (CNVE) had not only broken the law, but that the members of the commission occupied their positions illegally. The President declared: "Costa Rica's people are not cattle, that you beat with a piece of wood and force to get vaccinated".
Interest Of Justice tells the HHS and World Health Assembly the WHO clearly needs reformed 2nd Video
Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org lays down the Rules as the oversight Committee on the HHS hearing for WHO Stakeholders.
Interest Of Justice believes that there was NOT enough time to prepare for this event and it was difficult to have true meaningful participation as a true democracy requires. IOJ was able to speak and be heard multiple times in this even which was very unexpected and an amazing opportunity to tell the truth to their WHO about all of their structural defects and why they should be reformed or abolished. This is the 2nd video out of many in the series which will be posted in time.
Dustin the floor is yours!
Thank you so much
So first off I would like to say that the children have been affected most of all during the Pandemic in preparedness.
If basically it’s very important that all member states shall apply section 3 of the annex 5 of the IHR and the WHO and if the WHO will not reform the WHO should be re-conformed and have oversight and if they do not then they should be defunded!
We cannot express enough why the IHR amendments should not be implemented for all of the reasons that I have stated before and all of the documentation that has been sent and
The structural defects and intent with the WHO require complete overhaul by the people, civil society groups and nation states.
We cannot express enough that those should all be stated as well as the climate change factor should never be a cause for an emergency…That right there is very much a problem for everybody.
I’d like to speak on behalf of a lot of people that would like to say a lot of the things that I have been saying and that the people are speaking and we believe that the IHR implementation is way too early right now for due process reasons and basically that we would like our voices be heard as for due process
Thank you so much for the floor.
Interest Of Justice tells the HHS and World Health Assembly the WHO clearly needs reformed & why.
Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org lays down the Rules as the oversight Committee on the HHS hearing for WHO Stakeholders.
Interest Of Justice believes that there was NOT enough time to prepare for this event and it was difficult to have true meaningful participation as a true democracy requires. IOJ was able to speak and be heard multiple times in this even which was very unexpected and an amazing opportunity to tell the truth to their WHO about all of their structural defects and why they should be reformed or abolished. This is the 1st video out of many in the series which will be posted in time.
Here is what was said in the two minute speech by IOJ:
"My name is Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org and we are an oversight committee and a private research institute"
"We prepared a short speech to encompass all topics we chose for ease."
"First, we think the most important is WHO reform. There are inherent conflicts of interest with the WHO’s financing coming from private sector and private foundation stakeholders that financially gain from the implantation of many of the agendas on today’s table including Financing and implementation of the program budget 2022-2023."
"Second, the immunization agenda 2030 relies on the false presumption vaccines save lives and “underpin global security”, which is not true for WHO’s more broad definition of vaccine which usurps countries sovereignty by changing the legislator made definition to include gene editing vaccines and have demonstrably killed more people from all cause mortality than all other vaccines combined.."
"Third, In regard to Implementation of the international health regulations, people have the right to participate in the design, implementation and approval of all health policy but are clearly excluded in the short notice which denies due process. Many thousands of marginalized primary stakeholders believe the proposed IHR amendments must be withdrawn for lack of substantiation of the necessity, proportionality and reasonableness pending time for due process, participation and legal actions."
"Fourth, equity must be defined in a way that includes traditional medicine as freedom of choice and a viable alternative to the gene vaccines which alter the human genome, the heritage to humanity."
"Last, 2 hours is far too short of a session to meaningfully discuss these important topics and we feel we did not receive meaningful participation."
Interest Of Justice Establishes Strict Limits For The WHO; Pandemic Treaty Public Hearing
The WHO invited Interest Of Justice to the historic WHO pandemic treaty public hearing as a stakeholder, panelist and speaker. The lucky break to speak was because GAVI was unprepared when called and lost their spot which prompted the WHO to randomly call Interest Of Justice.
The transcript is here:
"We request the following:
All technical recommendations and limitations to rights in an emergency shall conform to the requirements set in the Siracusa Principles.
No treaty can be binding which confers upon the WHO the power to issue or enforce pandemic guidance which may supplant the nations constitution, written definitions and sovereign legislation.
Persecution and censorship of diversity of opinion regarding WHO’s “evolving science” is expressly prohibited; free and open discourse shall be protected and encouraged in the public interest to prevent imbalance of power and systematic violations of human rights
The centralization of national health data, gene and biotechnology, AI with Big Tech and media, poses an international security threat that must be prevented at all costs.
Pre-determination and punishment of misinformation with no written law defining misinformation backed by science and due process, is prohibited by law and punishable.
The WHO shall not exaggerate the seriousness of the diagnosis, complicate the treatment, or artificially create alarm situations in response to spurious interests; if found guilty the member states should agree to permanently stop all funding and relationships with the WHO, in the public interest
The WHO must immediately declare all yearly funders with full transparency and allow for independent oversight with the ability to immediately remove all conflicts of interest
The Member States require WHO agrees to be liable in the event that damages arise from the use of the guidance
The final decision in a truly democratic process, should be made by the people rather than the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body which may be widely perceived as biased and usurping individual and national sovereignty.
Procedures for meaningful participation by all people in the enforcement of human rights enshrined in Siracusa Principles shall be made readily available in all future WHO pandemic guidance"