Dan Kovalik on freedom of speech in the US
On his recent return from the World Anti-Fascist Congress in Caracas, Venezuela, Dan Kovalik was detained for several hours, interviewed and his phone was confiscated at Miami airport. In this video he discusses with Tortilla con Sal the issue of freedom of speech and the increasing repression of dissidents in the United States critical of US foreign policy.
The sinister futility of US politics and the menace of imminent war
Outstanding dissident writer and activist Dan Kovalik discusses the Democrat National Convention, repression of dissident opinion, and wider international concerns with Stephen Sefton of Tortilla con Sal
Fidel, Conchita y la moringa
“Entonces la doctora Concepción Campa Huergo le sugirió al Comandante la planta, por las propiedades de la moringa. Fidel le preguntó que quién tenía eso en la Isla. Conchita le respondió que un guajiro en Matanzas de nombre Omar.”
Entrega de títulos en Alto Wangki y Bocay
El 29 de octubre 2021, nuestro Gobierno de Unidad y Reconciliación Nacional del Presidente Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra y la Compañera Vicepresidenta Rosario Murillo, entregaron títulos de propiedad a las comunidades indígenas de Alto Wangki y Bocay. La entrega se celebró en la ciudad de Jinotega para dos territorios que suman a 595 kilómetros cuadrados. Ahora en total se han demarcado y titulado 25 territorios, de tal manera, que se ha restituido el derecho a 39 mil 531 familias, que en territorio suma 371 mil 800 kilómetros cuadrados; el 31.16 por ciento del territorio nacional, que pertenece a las comunidades indígenas del Caribe de Nicaragua.
Dan Kovalik on Ukraine, Julian Assange and Palestine
Recently returned form Donbass, Dan Kovalik discusses events there and NATO's wider war in Ukraine against Russia. The discussion also covers the release of Julian Assange and the continuing genocide by the zionist occupying forces in Palestine.
Dan Kovalik on the genocide in Palestine
Dan Kovalik discusses the zionist genocide in Palestine and its wider implications with Stephen Sefton.
En bendecidos tiempos de Paz, hacia Nuevas Victorias!
Nicaragua avanza en la realización de las aspiraciones de su población en paz social, con prosperidad económica y optimismo para el futuro en todos las áreas de la vida nacional
Honor y Gloria a Benjamin Linder
Benjamín Linder (Ernest Benjamín Linder), llegó a Nicaragua en 1983 procedente de California, Estados Unidos, de donde era originario.
En el año 1986 se traslada a El Municipio de El Cuá, Bocay, en el Departamento de Jinotega, para poner en marcha su proyecto de una planta hidroeléctrica y brindar energía a los Pueblos de El Cuá y de Bocay.
Un Compañero, que además de ser revolucionario y visionario, tenía el talento de entretener a los Mimados con sus dotes de payaso y malabarista que gustaba tanto a l@s Niñ@s de estos lugares. Estando asentado en El Cuá, Bocay, inició la construcción de una pequeña hidroeléctrica en el Municipio de Bocay, que hoy se encuentra en pleno funcionamiento, así como la hidroeléctrica de la Comunidad El Bote en el Municipio El Cuá. Ambas llevan el nombre de Benjamín Linder. Un 28 de Abril de 1987, Benjamín Linder junto a Sergio Hernández y Pablo Rosales, realizaron labores de construcción en la represa para la hidroeléctrica, exactamente en el lugar conocido como Cerro Los Ángeles en la parte alta del poblado de Bocay, cuando los tres compañeros fueron emboscados y asesinados por la contrarrevolución. Este 28 de Abril del 2024, rendimos homenaje en el 37 aniversario del Tránsito a la Inmortalidad del Compañero Revolucionario Benjamín Linder:
Russia after the elections and the Moscow terror attack
Dan Kovalik and Don Debar were election observers for the elections in the Russian Federation from March 15th to 17th. They discuss with Camila Escalante and Stephen Sefton the results, the meaning of President Vladimir Putin's unprecedented electoral endorsement and also the horrific terrorist attack in Moscow this week and its likely consequences.
Overview of events in Haiti - March 21st 2024
Haiti's people face another period of crisis, suffering and uncertainty as they strive to defend their self-determination against US and allied intervention and the treachery of the country's corrupt ruling elite. Danny Shaw is a professor at New York's City University and has visited and studied the Haitian popular movement for almost 30 years. He kindly agreed to discuss what is happening in Haiti with us at Tortilla con Sal .
Israel's genocide of the people of Palestine and international law
Human rights law specialist Dan Kovalik discusses with Stephen Sefton the relevance of international law such as the Genocide Convention to the current brazen genocide by the Israeli government against Palestinians in the Occupied Territories of Gaza and the West Bank.
Felicidaded bolivarianas al Comandante Daniel en su cumpleaños
11 de noviembre 2023 - el Presidente Nicolás Maduro envía saludos bolivarianos al Presidente Comandante Daniel para felicitarlo en su cumpleanos.
Gaza at October 29th 2023 - A conversation with Dan Kovalik
Author, human rights academic and activist Dan Kovalik discussing events in Gaza and their context with Stephen Sefton, Nicaraguan writer. Much of the information discussed comes from contacts in Gaza but also outlets like Al Mayadeen, Electronic Intifada, Internationalist 360º among others.
The view of a child in Gaza
Nur, the daughter of Rina Andolini in Gaza, talks about what it's like for her in Gaza now
Nicaragua - Truth versus Lies
The election victory of the Sandinista government in November 2006 brought to an end 16 years of neoliberal governments. Since that time, Nicaraguan society has been radically transformed and Nicaraguans now enjoy a society where the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable are prioritised, with 58% of the budget spent on health and education. Universal free health care and education are now provided throughout the country, poverty and extreme poverty have been more than halved and there have been huge strides in the field of gender parity.
Yet against this background Nicaragua is constantly demonised by mainstream media, Nicaragua’s right wing opposition and those who accept its mischaracterisations at face value. Since the violent, U.S.-directed coup attempt in 2018, it has been very difficult to find objective analysis of the political situation in Nicaragua in mainstream media, much less any examination of the Revolution’s achievements. In disregarding what is actually happening in the country, the media is ignoring and excluding the lived experience of ordinary Nicaraguans, as if their daily lives are irrelevant to any judgment about the direction the country is taking.
During this event, speakers described what life is really like in Nicaragua today as opposed to the media hype – and we hope they may inspire you to visit for yourself!
Expo Ometepe 2023
La isla de Ometepe es una Reserva de Biósfera ubicado en el gran Lago de Nicaragua. El fin de semana 29 de septiembre al 1ero de octubre se abre el Expo Ometepe con actividades incluyendo una jornada de reforestación, un rally de ciclismo con otras actividades deportivas y un concurso de pintura. El Expo inicia a las 10.00am en la ciudad de Moyogalpa.
The US 2024 elections, relevance and context
A discussion of the US elections, why it's worth taking part and voting and the global context with Dan Kovalik.
Historia y Uso del Huipil
El 4 de agosto de 2023 el Presidente de la República el Comandante Daniel Ortega Saavedra declaró bajo decreto presidencial número 11-2023 el Huipil como Patrimonio Inmaterial Artístico y Cultural de la Nación y se escogió el 8 de septiembre como día nacional del Huipil.
Nicaragua - Religion and the Catholic Church
Dan Kovalik discusses religion and the Catholic Church in Nicaragua with Stephen Sefton following the authorities decision to take over the private Jesuit run University of Central America as a public university offering free tuition to its students.
Nicaragua - the reality behind the phony Western media coverage
Ahmed Kaballo visited Nicaragua in November 2021 to cover that year's national elections. He made time to visit local cooperatives as well as indigenous and afrodescendant communities on Nicaragua's northern Caribbean Coast. He also spoke to victims of the extremely violent failed opposition coup attempt in 2018. His report exposes the falsehood of Western media coverage of Nicaraguan politics and society.
Partido Comunista de Rusia saluda al Aniversario 44/19
Las y los camaradas del Partido Comunista de la Federación Rusa saludan el 44 Aniversario del Triunfo de la Revolución Popular Sandinista el 19 de Julio de 1979
Sovereignty - a song by Paul Baker Hernández
"Sovereignty" is the English version by Paul Baker Hernández of the original song in Spanish by Roger Antonio Osorio Perez celebrating Nicaragua's defence of its national dignity and independence.