Grumpy Vet
Grumpy Vet

Grumpy Vet



Grumpy Vet would like to share gripes about life, current events, and how knuckleheads jack everything up - hopefully in a humorous yet honest manner. Encourage men to be men, be proud of what God made you regardless of ethnicity, and be outstanding role models (to include mentors and father figures) for the future men around us. Encourage Faith in God, morality, patriotism, honesty, integrity, strength in good character, polite manners, charity, and defending the weak. ~ STRENGTH & HONOR ~

OK Privates! Listen Up! Here are your ROEs:

Be mindful of young eyes & ears, keep your guss family friendly! Failure to comply with this directive requires you to smoke yourself and me to dis-fellowship you from the unit!

Keep the chatter respectful, without personal attacks, and on point with the conversation topics at hand.

No personal frags or element sized IED's against other members and their feeds. If you aren't getting responses, shift fire! If you can't handle the silence, go kick rocks troop!

Do not display, allude, or promote the nasty activities of pornography and anything else that is distasteful, tactless, abhorrent, uncouth, repugnant, abominable, loathsome, disgusting, and unnatural. Bottom line, if you're a dirt-bag, this isn't your place for you.

Keep your head on a swivel, maintain situational and muzzle awareness, stay alert, stay alive, and read the signs!

Too easy!

Additional Details

Joined Apr 14, 2021

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