UNITY OF CONSCIOUSNESS will be streamlining meditation music with the aim in uniting mind, body & spirit. Welcome to this channel. My name is Juliana & personally am so exited to have come to the realisation that Humans & Earth are experiencing enormous changes. -We are here as we know with our minds hearts & spirit that: WE ARE ONE, UNIFIED ENERGY & PART OF THE GREATER CONSCIOUSNESS. -When you are in doubt I am so pleased to just say it out loud: ---1- We are the HUMANS -- made of pure INTELLECT & ENERGY; We are not reducing ourselves to just a 'HUMAN': We have build great architectures, technology, we have build & sent objects in space, build forests & saved animals; & MANY MORE ACHIEVEMENTS. ---2- Yes some of US have done atrocities; BUT THE REST MUST & SEES the EARTH & OURSELVES just like from space - AS ONE, NO BORDERS, NO SEPARATION & WE WILL ACT AS ONE, UNITED TOGETHER -- PURE INTELLECT & CONSCIOUSNESS ---3- We are here to STAY, PROSPER & FURTHER OURSELVES
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Joined Jan 12, 2022
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