Welcome to our Channel GS Crafts.This is an online craft channel to learn more and more crafting ideas & techniques. We are aimed to provide you best and easiest paper craft ideas and methods so our subscribers and fans may learn them easily at home. With our variety of videos on the different types of paper craft, you can learn more ideas and inspiration to create them at home easily. Our video tutorials will help you to create lots of new things out of a piece of paper and available material at home. Even you can use wasted card papers, thrown out cereal boxes and card boards boxes to create new and useful craft.So, stay tuned and SUBSCRIBE US and watch more and more videos about Paper Crafts, flowers craft, paper flowers, Origami, Quilling, diy greeting cards, Paper Aeroplane, Christmas Crafts, Diy New Year Cards, diy Valentine's Day cards, Pop-up Cards, Gift Boxes, Best out Waste Craft, Wall hanging Crafts ideas etc.Please don't forget to subscribe!
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Joined Nov 20, 2021
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