Validating the Pandemic Prophecies of The Blessed Virgin Mary
The Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary given for our times and contained in the book ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ are many and include those related to the Pandemic, the Vaccine and its aftermath. Let us now take stock and check for the fulfillment of some of these prophecies given by Our Blessed Mother published in this book that was released in February 2021 and now translated in 5 languages and available worldwide.
New Revelations of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary given for our times
On 4th Feb 2022, Our Blessed Mother came to request Her Children through Iveta to re-kindle the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She came to remind us that the devotion to The Sacred Heart of Jesus and to Her Immaculate Heart, that She requested of us at Fatima, is most desired by God Our Father.
This Devotion is of relevant nature for our world, She says and that though 'many have abandoned it, and even cast away in disbelief, the promises are still relevant'
Our Lady further adds: "My Faithful children must rekindle this devotion, in union with all My beloved chosen Sons, My Priests and bring it about in preparation of the second birth pangs, and even after the second birth pangs - to be understood as - in preparation of the underground church! This devotion must be fostered and rekindled on the First Friday, and the First Saturday, as you have begun and are doing so. Make known to all My beloved children. In this way, they must Consecrate their homes once again to The Sacred Heart of Jesus, and The Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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The Blessed Virgin Mary and The Remnant in the Batim Prophecy | Excerpts from 'To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons' by Fr. Stefano Gobbi.
The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in forming 'The Remnant' presented here in this video is in the context of the present chastisement and in relation to the prophecies coming out of Batim, Goa (India)
"The great apostasy now will come into being, the One World Government will come into being, fear not, My Mother, My Holy and Blessed Mother will take care of each one of you if you trust and entrust yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart and cover yourselves each day with Her Immaculate Mantle. Many of you will face Martyrdom. This must be the Blood that must be spilt to purify My Church, My Bride" - Jesus to Iveta.
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Russia: An Instrument of Chastisement in the Prophecies of Fatima and Batim!
In 1917, appearing to the 'Children of Fatima', Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed.
She told us that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world if we did not, by our prayers and sacrifices, and obedience to Her requests - especially those requests for Consecration and Reparation - to obtain the conversion of Russia. She also warned us, "If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated."
Fatima is Heaven's intervention to save us from persecution, war, annihilation, enslavement and Hell. Batim lies in the shadow of Fatima and Our Blessed Mother comes to Batim to reinforce the Fatima message and comes to give us a practical plan for world peace. To Iveta on March 24, 2017, Our Blessed Mother reveals: If men do not turn their hearts to God, the terrible stench of decayed bodies will be the fate of World War three (W.W.III)
Russia to date has not been Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the prescribed way Our Blessed Mother has requested at Fatima. On Oct 13th, 2014, at Batim, in an Apparition to Iveta, She says: 'Welcome into the abode of My Immaculate Heart, here I will rescue you from the cruel slavery of the devil that has been spread, for I was not proclaimed, as Russia was not Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. In the end it will be so, and My Immaculate Heart will Triumph in the days of persecution'.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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Covid Vaccine: A Vector to Spiritual Bondage and Loss of Salvation?
Can Spiritual Bondage and Loss of Salvation be brought about by the Covid Vaccine?
Our Blessed Mother in the book Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory on Dec 4th, 2020, describes a diabolic spirit that will take over the world following the ushering of the First Birth Pang of the Great Apostasy - the Covid-19 Pandemic
Moreover, She calls the vaccine - the 'vaccine of diabolic nature' - the 'diabolic' here is man playing God. Men here becoming accomplices of Satan to destroy God's elect - causing both spiritual and physical harm and even death - through participating in the nature and genesis of this vaccine!
The inference from this statement is that this vaccine 'made by man' is a harbinger of evil to those who receive it. They will become 'Satan's advocates ‘and are at risk of losing their salvation and spiritual emancipation from this bondage can only come through ‘deliverance and exorcism', Our Lady tells us (April 9th, 2020)
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The Visionary Iveta speaks on the Vaccine from revelations given by the Blessed Virgin Mary
To Iveta Fernandes has been revealed Prophetic Warnings for Our World which are published in the Book: Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory. At a recent prayer meet on her birthday on 24th September 2021, Iveta in an address to the Catholic Church and to the public in general expounds on the Covid-19 Vaccine Message from the Book: Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory.
Iveta Cleophas Fernandes, a simple woman, married to Felix Xavier Fernandes has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an ‘instrument’ through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World in ‘these times - this period of history’. This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfilment of the Fatima Message and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma.
As a Victim Soul, Iveta has been called to suffer, to co-redeem with Our Blessed Mother the Co-Redemptrix, united to Jesus the Redeemer, to bring back Souls to God. In this union and for this purpose, Iveta offers her prayers and suffering for the Domestic and Universal Church.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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The Blessed Virgin Mary on Purgatory |
The book 'Suffering and the Thesis of Purgatory' brings to the fore the understanding of the Church in Purgatory and the necessity of praying for these Holy Souls who are 'paying the debts of Divine Justice'. The Communion of Saints is a spiritual solidarity that binds together the faithful on earth (Church Militant), the souls in purgatory (Church Suffering) and the Saints in Heaven (Church Triumphant) under Christ, its head. And although these Christians may be separated from each other by death, they nonetheless remain united to each other in one Church and support each other in prayer.
In her third apparition in Fatima, Our Blessed Mother shows the Fatima Children a vision of hell and gave them another prayer to be recited after each decade of the Rosary: "O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy." Yes, it reminds us that Hell is very real and in her fourth apparition, Our Lady directed the children to pray and offer sacrifice for sinners because: "You know that many souls go to hell because there is none who pray for them."
Upon death, once a soul is condemned to Hell, it can never enter Heaven, but once in the First Judgment, it enters Heaven and into the stages of Purgatory where God will send it to be purified. This purification is an understanding of reparation that must be rendered before the Soul comes into Paradise and into the Presence of God, where there is no contamination.... to finally Praise, Worship and Glorify God unceasingly! (March 31, 2018)
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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The Blessed Virgin Mary on Euthanasia |
The Blessed Virgin Mary to the visionary Iveta Fernandes in the Book: Suffering and Thesis of Purgatory reveals that the abomination of Euthanasia is spreading to many Nations. "I call all My children this day to say ‘No’ to such evil! Do not give consent! Only God has the right as the Creator of each one of you to release you from the bodies made of clay, to allow you to be released from it, when His purpose is served to glorify Him on Earth and in Heaven.
Let us pray for those dying - that they accept natural death. We also pray for those suffering, for the dying and their carers and family members that in the light of this message they come to an understanding of the requirement of reconciliation with God in satisfying Divine Justice.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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Image Credit: Christ in Gethsemane, Heinrich Hofmann, 1886
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A Warning from the Blessed Virgin Mary about Ethically compromised Covid-19 Vaccines
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary given to Iveta Fernandes are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in:
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The 5th Marian Dogma: A Request by The Blessed Virgin Mary at Batim, Goa (India)
In this period in history, Our Blessed Mother reveals Her role as the 'Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate' before Christ, Our Redeemer; for She has been entrusted All Power and All Grace by The Most Holy Trinity. (Message of 13th May 2013)
The sufferings of Iveta, co-redeeming with the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in union with the Suffering of Our Lord, Our Redeemer has been detailed in the book 'Suffering and the Thesis of Purgatory. This book outlines the sins of our contemporary world for which Christ, Our Saviour, died for. As Christ Redeems, He reveals the Co-redeeming role of His Blessed Mother to Iveta on April 18th, 2014:
“Make Her known as the One Co-Redeeming with Me, now suffering and will continue to suffer even after I have expired for the Salvation of My children, Her children” …. He looks at His Mother again. Soul to Soul, He says: “I The Redeemer, Thou Art the Co-Redemptrix, Mother of Salvation. Thou I beg to Redeem the Souls that are not yet aware of My Mercy”.
We pray and petition the Holy Father, His Holiness, Pope Francis to accord Our Blessed Mother that rightful position by proclaiming the long-awaited dogma: "Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate". For 'When She is proclaimed, I will open the Flood Gates of Heaven that all My beloved children will be able to undergo this suffering of the persecution of My Church, which must come to be as it is written in Scripture. Scripture must be fulfilled' (Message of April 10th, 2020)
Iveta has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an 'instrument' through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World in 'these times - this period of history'. This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfilment of the Fatima Message and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma.
"Beloved children, know and understand now, you are entering a great heavy moment upon Earth. The fury of God is kindled, yet through your prayers I can buy this moment for more time for conversion of many of My children that are astray. It is upon you I lay this yoke to pray for all your brothers and sisters, do not give up, there is hope always in God. I Love you dearly.
I Am The Mother Of God, The Mediatrix Of All Grace, Co- Redemptrix and Advocate in Heaven, The Immaculate Conception, by Whose power I will crush Satan. Amen.” Message given through Iveta at Batim, Goa on 15th October 2016
We, as children of God, have all been called to understand and take upon ourselves the nature of 'Co-redeeming with Our Blessed Mother, the Co-Redemptrix, united to 'Jesus', The Redeemer'. The lives of Saints in the Catholic Church do testify to this offer of suffering to 'Co-redeem' as supported by scripture (Col. 1:24 and 2 Cor. 1:5, 6) to redeem souls lost in sin and for their conversion.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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The Consecrated Host changes into the Flesh of the Eucharist Body of Our Lord in Iveta’s mouth.
Among the miraculous events experienced by Iveta Fernandes at Batim and abroad are the Eucharistic Miracles that are made manifest in Iveta and witnessed by many.
On 24th Sept 2019 following the ‘Visitation of The Mother of God’ at Batim during Holy Communion at Mass, the Consecrated Host changed into the Flesh of the Eucharist Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Iveta’s mouth. The occurrences of these miraculous events have been testified by Iveta’s spiritual Director at the time - Rev. James H Duffy in this letter dated 22nd September 2008
What is a Eucharistic Miracle? When a Catholic Priest celebrates the Holy Mass or The Eucharist and takes in his hands bread and wine and pronounces the words “This is my body, This is my blood. Do this in memory of me” as Jesus did at the Last Supper with His apostles, the bread and wine invisibly changes into the body and blood of Jesus. This invisible transformation is known as “Transubstantiation” in theological parlance. Sometimes God wills that the bread and wine transform itself into actual flesh and blood of Jesus. This is a Eucharistic Miracle.
Similarly, when Iveta attended the Holy Mass on May 13th, 2009 at Batim, the Sacred Host and Wine received by her had transformed itself into the Flesh and Blood of Jesus. The Eucharistic Miracle at Batim in a way validates the happenings and the messages coming out of Batim.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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The Visitations of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her call to rebuild the Church at Mt Batim, Goa
The Batim village in Goa, India received widespread publicity in 1994 due to the apparition of the Virgin Mary to Mrs Iveta Fernandes at Mt Batim on 24th September 1994.
Since Her first ‘Visitation’ at Batim, Our Blessed Mother has been speaking through Iveta and giving messages for the Church (both domestic and Universal). Much of these messages at Batim are prophetic and constitute warnings for the Church - for our own admonition and correction.
The devotion to Our Lady of Fatima reinvigorated in that part of Goa and since then regular Fatima Prayers and First Saturday Devotions have been held in Honour and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
At Fatima, Our Lady came to bring us the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary: ‘God wishes to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart in the world. If what I say is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace’. ‘Batim’, Our Lady tells us ‘lies in the shadow of Fatima and yet it is the forerunner of the future to build the culture of life into the era of peace where man will walk with God in the Holy Eucharist” alluding to the fulfillment of the scripture in the Book of Revelation. For we are fighting a spiritual battle - against the forces of evil - 'against these hours of darkness against the culture of death to build the culture of life as God intended it from the beginning" (Message of 24th Sept 2019)
At the 25th Batim Apparition Celebration on 24th Sept 2019, Our Lady in a message through Iveta requested the re-building of the Saints Simon and Jude Church - thus indicating a new direction for the Church at Mount Batim.
I desire with great desire that this Holy Church, once a full and living Tabernacle of God, bringing Souls back to God, that lies in a state of semi ruins, be rebuilt and consecrated to Me under the title of ‘Mary, Mother of the Church, Our Lady of Mount Ganxim/ Batim’.
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book: ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times.
The book is available on Kindle, and in all major online book sellers, and is available to read in
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As Children of God, what is our response to this pandemic |
See the Warning from the Blessed Virgin Mary about Ethically compromised Covid-19 Vaccines at:
The continual spreading of sins and errors in our world brings one to the conviction that we are living the time of the Great Apostasy of which Saint Paul writes in his Second Letter to the Thessalonians, chapter two, verse three. In a Message to Iveta on 5th and 6th November 2020, Our Blessed Mother calls the Pandemic the first birth pang of the Great Apostasy that has been brought about by ‘the evil one’, which God has allowed. And on 9th April 2020, She gives us the following message and in doing so makes us aware of the power of deliverance available to us.
“During this suffering you will also pray for those gone before in this terrible plague known as pandemic, known by its diabolic name as Covid-19/Coronavirus. These are the diabolic names under which one can break its power! ‘One’ means: Either by the laity or by My chosen Sons, the Priests, that is giving deliverance. Today as baptized Catholics, you have that power to do so! Deliver one another from this terrible weight!
However, the medicine is needed, it will come to be! … It is truth now that will conquer this evil”
And On 24th September 2020, She says: “Know and understand: The medicine I have made known, you must take it to protect yourselves against this demonic spirit of the “Corona virus” known as “Covid-19”. Should you not, you will have to endure its suffering.
For more details on this medicine - the ‘Spiritual and Natural Remedy’ for spiritual and physical deliverance given by the Blessed Virgin Mary, please view the video in our Youtube Playlist.
The Blessed Virgin Mary also comes to warn us about ethically compromised Covid Vaccines. For a video and description of this message please visit:
During this time of the Pandemic, Our Blessed Mother also calls upon the priests to open the churches and to return to administering the sacraments: “Know and understand, now I call on all the Shepherds in this time where My children are suffering and starving from the light of Jesus, they must return to the Sacraments! You must open your hearts to them. You must open the doors to them and lay down your lives for the sheep that have been entrusted unto you. It is you that the Lord will demand an account of the lost sheep that go astray! (See message of 16th July 2020)...
...Remember for as long as we live on this side of Heaven, we will be engaged in a spiritual warfare. Let us not be deluded and live in deception as many of us have been doing so. The Bible is replete with examples clearly demonstrating the workings of an invisible spiritual realm around us. The Lord is with us and provides for us through His angels as He chooses. God loves us and protects us physically as He works out our salvation through our cooperation spiritually. Just as the agents of God exist in this invisible place, so do the agents of Satan – that are planning our spiritual demise and preventing us from reaching eternal life. So in these times we are exhorted to live by faith and common sense, engaging with the tools of spiritual warfare - for “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” - Ephesians 6:12
The Messages of the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in the Book ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory’ and are given for our times. The book is available on Kindle and in all major online book sellers and is available to read in
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Devotion and Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Batim, Goa, India
The story of Batim unfolds on September 24, 1994, when the visionary Iveta Fernandes, a Canadian of Indian origin beholds the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Mount Gancim - Batim, Goa, India. Our Lady was believed to have told Iveta that day that 'The people should come and pray on this Mount every first Saturday of the month.' This was to be the beginning of a series of Apparitions to Iveta and extraordinary signs witnessed not only by the visionary Iveta but also by the faithful.
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Mrs Iveta Cleophas Fernandes, a simple housewife, married to Mr Felix Xavier Fernandes has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an 'instrument' through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World in 'these times - this period of history'. This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfillment of the Fatima Message and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma.
The messages coming out of Batim are largely that of Our Lady given more than a hundred years ago at Fatima, Portugal. They include prophetic messages and warnings from Our Lady to beckon us to steer ourselves back to the Heavenly Father. At Batim, as at Fatima, Our Lady urges the faithful to pray the Rosary daily, to offer prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of sinners, to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the First Saturday Communion of Reparation and to Consecrate ourselves daily to Her Immaculate Heart.
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Prophetic Messages for these times revealed by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the seer Iveta Fernandes
Iveta Cleophas Fernandes has been receiving messages from the Blessed Virgin Mary since over 25 yrs. This book ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory: With prophetic warnings for our World’ comes into being at the request of Our Holy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. The Mother of God reveals that we are entering the purification before the era of a thousand years of Peace.
This book with a preface by Catholic Bishop Alwyn Barreto and an introduction by Catholic priest Fr. Antoine brings to life the Prophecies of Fatima and unfolds the Book of Revelation in the messages revealed by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Victim Soul Iveta ‘Cleophas’ Fernandes. It reveals that great powers are given to the ‘adversary’ in these times and speaks of the Great Tribulation and of the Birth pangs of the Great Apostasy - the first being the ‘diabolic pandemic’, the second birth pang being the fall out of a diabolic nature - of which we are at the threshold! This book also contains prophetic messages of the impending Schism of the Catholic Church and of the Persecution that will befall to purify the Church before the promised Era of peace!
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In revealing the spiritual battle that we are currently engaged in, the messages contained in this book give us a spiritual roadmap for the times ahead and calls for the proclamation of the fifth Marian Dogma: ‘Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate’.
The first part of this book outlines the profound value of suffering when this suffering is united to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Mother of God. The second part reveals precious insights into the realms of Purgatory, of Souls serving Divine Justice and of the process required to attain their Crown of Glory!
Readers are advised to exercise spiritual discernment as some of these prophecies and warnings to be fulfilled soon are quite disturbing! Some of their consequences can be mitigated if we choose to pray, offer up our suffering and convert!
The Book ‘Suffering and The Thesis of Purgatory: With prophetic warnings for our World is available in Kindle, Paperback and E-Book in all major online booksellers. For more information please visit:
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A Pandemic 'Spiritual and Natural Remedy' from the Blessed Virgin Mary |
See the Warning from the Blessed Virgin Mary about Ethically compromised Covid-19 Vaccines at:
The Blessed Virgin Mary has through the Visionary Iveta Fernandes given the World a 'Spiritual and Natural Remedy' for this current Pandemic. Iveta has been chosen by Divine Providence to be an 'instrument' through whom God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary wishes to make known His Salvific Plan for Our World in these times. This is in the context of the predicted times and the strategic role of the Immaculate Heart in obtaining peace for the world through the fulfilment of the Fatima Message and the proclamation of the 5th Marian Dogma.
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In a Message addressed to us through Iveta Fernandes on 25th March 2020, Our Blessed Mother says: “Know and understand now you must take forth the medicine that has a twofold understanding that I made known to you. Medicine that was used in ancient times for viruses in times of an epidemic.. The first understanding is a Spiritual understanding. The Blessed Salt and the Holy Water must be blessed with the Prayers of the Church to ward off and to deliver one, of these evil spirits.
The second is God's fruit given as medicine; the Onion - red in nature which has a tinge - one would call mauve, a deep mauve (purple) and Honey. These must go forth now to combat this terrible anxiety. It must go forth …. Know and understand, the proportions are in this manner.........
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