It’s more than evident that the Big Pharma-Great Reset globalist elite are currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenics depopulation agenda. In spite of Big Media’s censorship blackout as complicit murderers causing misinformed, lied to hundreds of thousands of innocent victims to die from the killer vaccines already, in response scores of leading medical doctors, expert scientists and insider whistleblowers at great risk to themselves have been shouting from rooftops to sound the apocalyptic alarm. In this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything!, I explore the plan to depopulate us all.
Brought To You By Pfizer!
This message brought to you by Pfizer. Trust The Science. Shocking video montage puts a spotlight on Pfizer’s conflict of interest hiding in front of our eyes the whole time.
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The Most Important Video You'll Ever Watch
Audio & Images used with permission by Joe M.
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Until Proven Otherwise (From The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation)
Two World Renowned Cardiologists, American Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, and British Aseem Malhotra, MD state that in their medical opinion the sudden deaths, especially in young people, are caused by the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, until proven otherwise.
In Order of Appearance
Description of Details: Name of Injured or Deceased, Their Age, Occupation / Date of Article, Additional Details / Link to Source
Charbi Dean, 32, Young Actress | August 31, 2022
Anthony Kiedis on Joe Rogan Experience
Victoria Moody, 18, High School Cheerleader | October 26th, 2022
Daniel Moshi, 17, High School Choir Student | October 18th, 2022 | Collapsed and died during choir performance
Eric Groebner, 39, Police Officer
Aseem Malhotra, MD, Cardiologist
John Paul, 28, Scottish Cyclist | March 11, 2022
Julia Powell, 49, Writer | October 26, 2022
Rory James Nairn, 26, Plumber | December 1, 2021
Preston Nettles, 15, Basketball Player and High School Student | February 28, 2022
Lisa Shaw, 44, Radio Presenter | August 26, 2021
Jacob Mayfield, 27 | October 10, 2022
Gianmarco Verdi, 21, Young Athlete | May 31, 2022
Andreas Frey, 43, Bodybuilder | October 22, 2022 | Died in his sleep
Craig Farrell, 39, British Soccer Player, 🇬🇧
May 30, 2022
Paul Poloczek, 37, Bodybuilder
June 1, 2022
Carlos Tejada, 49, New York Times editor
December 27, 2021 | Heart Attack one day after booster dose
Robert Cormier, 33, Actor
September 28, 2022 | Died after injuries sustained from collapsing
Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
Samuel Akwasi, 13, Junior Football Player
October 19, 2022 | Sudden cardiac death
Harvey Stocker, 19, Chef | May 22, 2022
Paddy Branagan, 30, Irish Athlete | May 16, 2022
Aidan Kaminska, 19, Lacrosse Player | June 2, 2022
Igor Jonczyk. 18, Soccer Goalie | April 4, 2022
Red Og Murphy, 21, Athlete | April 1, 2022
Regan Lewis, 20, Nursing Student | October 2, 2022
Corporal Chad Beattie, 45, Police Officer | August 11, 2022 | Cardiac Arrest
Gwen Casten, 17, U.S. Senators Daughter, College Student
Kimberly Kitching, 52, Labor Senator 🇦🇺 | March 10. 2022 | Suspected Heart Attack
Shane Warne, 52, Cricket Star, 🇦🇺 | March 4, 2022 | | Suspected Heart Attack
Dr. Paul Hannam, Canadian E.R. Physician | Jul 19, 2022
Dr. Candice Neyman, 27, Physician
July 29, 2022 | Warmington: Triathlete becomes the fifth GTA doctor to die in July
“Mighty Mouse DJ,” 48, British DJ | October 26, 2022 | Aortic Aneurysm
Linton Beck, 16, Cross Country Runner + High School Student | April 29 2022
Stacey Cummings, 31, Body Builder and mom of two | Apr 25 2022
Brian Wallace, 26, former University of Arkansas lineman | April 15, 2022 | Suffered two heart attacks and died
Sam Bruce, 24, a former University of Miami Hurricanes wide receiver
July 23, 2022 | Died of a heart attack
Marcos Menaldo, 25, Soccer Player | January 4th, 2022
Tyler Erickson, 17, High School Student Athlete (Golf) | Sep. 13, 2022 | Died of cardiac event while playing golf
Moussa Dembele, 24 | March 23, 2021 | Suffered cardiac event during practice
Brazilian News Anchor Rafael Silva, 36
Jan. 27, 2022 | Rafael mistakenly believes that the vaccine he received a few days prior was not related to having 5 cardiac arrests, but Expert Cardiologists disagree and say that this is likely the direct cause.
Carol Pearce, died within 15 minutes of receiving the Bivalent Booster | Sep. 24, 2022
Dawn Wooldridge, 36, mother | May 06, 2022 | “Most Likely died from Covid vaccine, 11 days after dose, inquest told”
Jack Burnell-Williams, 18, British Army | October 1, 2022
Jeanluke Galea Duca, 28, newlywed | October 20, 2022
Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial. 52, Cardiologist | November 11, 2021
Kayla Rose Lumpkins, 18, College Freshman | October 25, 2022 | Died in her sleep
Doug Brignole, 63, Famous Body Builder | October 22, 2022
Nick Nemeroff, Canadian, Comedian, 32
DIED SUDDENLY (Full HD Documentary)
Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world - even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet… we never seem to believe them.
This documentary was made possible by Goldco.
Watch The Water Documentary - Stew Peters w/Dr. Bryan Ardis
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.
In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.
Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.
2 Years of Questioning Everything!
Its time more than ever to QUESTION EVERYTHING!
FALSE POSITIVE: The Truth About The PCR Covid Tests
After more than a year of committing scientific fraud to push false “positives” via PCR testing, the CDC announced it is withdrawing the RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel on December 31st of this year.
The use of PCR tests for covid illness diagnosis is a global scientific fraud, since no PCR instrument can produce quantitative results that might indicate a specific viral load. Yet this CDC-approved testing protocol was relied on to fabricate the “casedemic” illusion which pretended that hundreds of millions of people around the world were infected with covid.
The entire thing was an elaborate quack science hoax, and anyone familiar with PCR technology has known this from the very start.
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VAERS-21 - The Truth Podcast: Question Everything!
The mainstream media is attempting to downplay the serious adverse events being reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) in conjunction with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines, claiming that the figures pale in comparison to the number of lives being “saved” from the injections. What they are missing, though, is the fact that VAERS only captures a very small percentage of the total number of injuries and deaths caused by the (experimental) jabs.
Amazingly, a 2013 study found that nearly 30 percent of all health care professionals have never even heard of VAERS. This means that an even greater percentage of their patients have likely never heard of it, either.
Among those who do know about VAERS and come across a potential adverse effect, a whopping 83 percent fail to ever report it.
On this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything!, I attempt to answer the question, has the CDC become a danger to comprehensive informed consent?
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How Easy Is It To Hack Into a Voting Machine? - The Truth Podcast: Question Everything!
Democrats talking about how easy it is to hack voting machines leading up to the 2020 election.
Democrats also know that forensic audits are the only way to know if the 2020 election was legitimate.
Why do you think they are working so hard against forensic audits and transparency❓
What's Really Going On At The Border?
A crisis at the U.S./Mexico border isn't brewing, it's here. Former President Trump can say "I told you so." The hypocrisy over the border is astounding. As the Biden regime's policies continue to ignite a new border crisis, hopefully Americans will awaken to the monumental mistake that our nation made in November 2020.
The REAL Reason Behind the Push for Forced Vaccines
When there is risk, there must be choice. Seems like a simple freedom that is a fundamental right in the United States of America. Yet, there are those who seek to deny our freedoms over our bodies and that of our children. California was the latest state to take away the right of the parents to choose whether or not to inject their children with known toxins. In this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything, I seek to find the REAL reason behind the sudden push for forced vaccination.
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What Are The Georgia Guidestones?
In 1980, a nineteen feet three inches tall, granite monument resembling Stonehenge was erected in Georgia. Situated atop a desolate hill, the Georgia Guidestones is made of six granite slabs. There are ten guidelines in eight modern languages inscribed on these slabs. No one knows the designer of this massive structure or its purpose, hence it is shrouded in mystery and surrounded with numerous unanswered questions. Because of this, lots of speculation and conspiracy theories have sprung up around it. On the first episode of 2020, we seek to answer and explain What Are The Georgia Guidestones?
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COVID19 - Never Let A Crisis Go to Waste
The Covid-19 pandemic has provoked widespread discussion of what kind of future the world will look forward to after the crisis.“Never let a crisis go to waste”. That is the mantra of governments who seek to exploit a crisis to usurp more power over their citizenry. After all, citizens will willingly give up their civil liberties when faced with a large enough "threat". And boy have we been faced with some threats this year. So, what exactly does the COVID19 crisis have to do with say 'The Great Reset'?If there was going to be a set of crises that could be used to usher in a new global order, this is it.
What Is The Deep State?
Shortly after President Trump took office and details of the Spygate plot to entrap him with the fake “Russian collusion” narrative and remove him from office started to leak, conservatives and supporters of the administration began crying foul.
As Americans learned that figures like FBI Director James Comey, top FBI counterintelligence official Peter Strok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr, CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and others were implicated in the plot, it appeared as though the shadowy “deep state” was responsible.
But as conservative media began using the term to describe the alleged suspects, they were lampooned by Democrats and their Left-wing Washington establishment media allies as conspiracy theorists and kooks.
“There is no deep state, you buffoons,” we were told — despite the fact that its well known elements of the U.S. intelligence community, the media, and federal law enforcement have long worked behind the scenes to effect policies and priorities they preferred.
On this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything, we seek to answer the question, What is the Deep State?
For further info on what is discussed, visit
What Exactly has Trump done for the Black Community?
In 2016, Donald Trump received a slightly higher share of the black vote than did Mitt Romney in 2012 or John McCain in 2008. But he still received just 8 percent.
Now black support for Trump is in the mid-30s. While a 30 percent approval rating doesn’t necessarily translate into a 30 percent vote-share from black Americans in 2020, 30 percent approval is significant. Even if black support for Trump were in the mid-teens on election day, that could swing states like Michigan, Florida, and even Minnesota solidly into Trump’s camp.
On this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything, we look into the what the mainstream media wont tell us: what exactly has President Trump done for the black community?
For further info on what is discussed, visit
Hollywood & The CIA Connection
Since its inception, the CIA has wooed filmmakers, producers, and actors in order to present a rosy portrait of its operations to the American public. But, in truth, the intelligence empire’s efforts to manufacture the truth and mold public opinion are more vast and varied than ever before. One of its foremost assets? Hollywood.
For further info on what is discussed, visit
Climate Change: The Biggest Hoax Ever
In the absence of any real science to support the outrageous claims, it was propaganda initiatives combined with never-ending Fake News stories, that brought nearly 50% of the American public to now believe in at least some degree of man-made "Climate Change". It is a classic case of bought-off "science" and "manufactured consent" being used to cover up the Globalist agenda to tax the air we exhale -- and which plants "happily" inhale -- and then transfer that stolen wealth to UN bureaucrats and politicians. That's the truth, and we all know it. In this episode of The Truth Podcast, I explain why.
For further info on what is discussed, visit
Why Black Lives Matter Still Sells
In this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything!, host Richard exposes the truth about Black Lives Matter: It is a Marxist group working to dismantle liberty, Christianity, family, society, private property, civilization, and the U.S. Constitution. It is also based on complete lies and fabrications.
Do not let the name fool you. Indeed, the founders of BLM boast that they are Marxists. And when you boil down Marxism to its essence, it is Satanism, a complete repudiation of everything that God has called good. Their own website brags about their evil agenda to destroy the nuclear family and have the “village” take over child rearing while promoting LGBTQ+ extremism.
For more information on what's discussed, visit
The SHOCKING Truth About Vaccines: The Ingredients
It's 2019, and it would be nice to brag about how science and medicine have come “so far,” but that’s impossible in regards to vaccines when they’re used to make humans sick and dysfunctional, especially newborn babies, infants and children. The theory of vaccines is legitimate, and the idea that doctors who attend eight years of medical school recommend all of them sounds convincing, but today’s nerve-and-immune-system-crippling ingredients should sound off all of your common sense alarms like ambulance sirens heading to the scene of a life or death emergency. Prepare to be shocked as Richard explains the most common ingredients in today's vaccines on this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything.
For further info on what is discussed, visit
Do Vaccines Cause Autism?
Rates of autism have skyrocketed 1000% since 1990, yet defenders of vaccines and the pharmaceutical industry keep scratching their heads in confusion: What could be causing this? Lots of clues point to vaccines as one of the primary contributing factors to increased rates of autism. In this episode of the Truth Podcast: Question Everything I discuss the possible links between autism and vaccines.
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Is Social Media a Weapon of the CIA?
That social networking sites and applications such as Facebook, Twitter and their competitors can facilitate communication and information sharing amongst diverse groups and individuals by now is cliché. It should come as no surprise then, that the secret state and the capitalist grifters whom they serve have zeroed-in on the explosive growth of these technologies. In this episode of The Truth Podcast: Question Everything, I seek to answer the question, Is social media a weapon of the CIA?
For further info on what is discussed, visit
Is The Pharmaceutical Industry Lying about Vaccine Safety?
Vaccine horror stories are everywhere these days: Stories of young girls fainting in the doctor offices after receiving the HPV vaccines. Stories of mothers taking a healthy child for a round of shots to their pediatrician returning home with a severely sick or dead child. Stories of children receiving the chicken pox vaccine and experiencing severe cases of chicken pox months later. A 1:50 rate of autism in the United States, increasing autoimmune disorders, seizures, allergies and many other illnesses and disorders. Despite all this, your pediatrician, health officials, governments and pharmaceutical companies proclaim that vaccines are very safe. Did you ever wonder how they derive at such faulty conclusions? In this episode of the Truth Podcast: Question Everything! I seek to answer the question, is the pharmaceutical industry lying about vaccine safety?
For further info on what is discussed, visit
What is Agenda 2030? (Part 1)
While the establishment/fake news mainstream media in the United States was hyping ISIS, football, and of course "climate change/global warming/global cooling," virtually every national government/dictatorship on the planet met at the 70th annual General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York late 2015 to adopt a draconian 15-year master plan for the planet. Top globalists were celebrating the plan, which the summit unanimously "approved," as the next "Great Leap Forward" — yes, the old campaign slogan of the Chinese Communist Party. In this week's podcast, I question the real motives behind UN Agenda 2030 in this two part series, What is Agenda 2030?
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What is Agenda 2030 (Part 2)
1984 has finally arrived. And it's all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of "progress." "We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030."
If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you'll quickly realize that UN Agenda 2030 is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion. The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme "sustainable development" and "equality." In part two of 'What is Agenda 2030?', I explain what the end goal and purpose is as we inch closer to the year 2030.
For further info on what is discussed, visit