Uniform of Nonconformity
Dennis and Julie delve into masculinity, and femininity. Would you prefer a male or female boss? Women need men. Some people cannot lie... and cannot accept lies. Do Leftists believe what they're saying... do they have principles… or do they just want change? Disabled people, Christians, conservatives, and the unvaccinated are the most oppressed groups in 2022. The egalitarian impulse in the human is ancient. Egalitarianism is rooted in coveting. Traumatization should be reserved for people that have experienced trauma. It’s your reaction to the action that matters. Leftism has people subverting their own nature's. It's impossible for Leftists to be hypocrites... if a conservative changes they are a hypocrite… if a Leftist changes... they're progressive
Behave Accordingly
Dennis and Julie delve into public versus private conversation... the lack of civility while being confronted in public by the Left. Julie recounts an encounter she had while on a first date in Venice, CA. Julie's exchange reminds Dennis to recount a similar experience he had. What's the best way to deal with unhinged haters? Aphorisms... they aren't 100% and they aren't making better humans. No one is perfect the way they are... everyone needs improvement. If you want to raise good kids teach them... life is hard. If you embrace the hard truths of life... you will be a happier person. Dennis explains why Jews view Christians like blacks view whites, and why being chosen people shouldn’t lead to antisemitism. Exceptionalism... most groups believe they have it... and they should. Dennis recalls when he first learned of the Holocaust. DISCLAIMER: this episode contains language that may be inappropriate for children.
Humanism is Arrogant
Dennis and Julie delve into both definitions of optimism. It is crucial in society for boys to have, and for men to be father figures. In Meghan Markle's new podcast 'Archetypes' she interviews Serena Williams, and they discuss the labels and boxes women are put into. Are claims of sexual assault overstated to promote victimhood status? Dennis never liked the campaign slogan “hope and change…” does America need major change? Dennis and Julie disagree on “gay marriage.” People on the Right are more accepting of opposite viewpoints than people on the Left. The Left’s rhetoric is so powerful that people are doing things against their own nature. Leftism makes you a worse human being… it’s ruining people’s natures. Most evil is ideological evil. We know the consequences of too much religion… we are learning the consequences of too much secularism. Religion is humbling… humanism is arrogant. Which came first …bad values or the Left?
Unjust Suffering
Dennis and Julie delve into music… it is generational. Julie’s Spotify list is changing as she ages. Dennis believes classical is best and doubts anything at the top of iTunes would hold his interest. Ben Shapiro showed up at a Podcast Movement event; the organizers apologized for the trauma his presence caused. Words like trauma and pain are overused by the Left. Dennis couldn’t stand small talk on a date… he’d have rather discussed human suffering and evil. On his radio show Dennis talked to Jon Mellis, a January 6 political prisoner who has been in jail for 19 months and has never had a bail hearing, let alone a trial. The believer in God has to account for the existence of unjust suffering; the atheist has to account for everything else - Milton Steinberg. Does God know what decision you would make, furthermore can God be saddened by that choice if he already knew? Do people really, truly believe the United States is systemically racist, or that climate change is an existential threat? What percentage of attractive women think they are attractive... do they really believe they aren't? Surely, if you do right, there is uplift. But if you do not do right Sin crouches at the door; Its urge is toward you, yet you can be its master - Genesis 4:5-7. What would Jesus think of the New Testament? The Left suffers from cognitive dissonance. Today's criminals are not held responsible for their actions... but the founding fathers are. If you vote Democrat... you are voting to destroy America. Having high expectations for humanity… leads to disappointment.
United States of Despair
One may have a messy desk and a clear mind. How DO you to spell Nietzsche?! Dennis and Julie delve into their high school athletic experiences, and both agree having coaches toughens you up. One of the greatest traits you can teach your child is resilience. Affluence has made us weak...we’ve taken America for granted. People despair… the importance of the sabbath is more crucial than ever. Julie has genuine fear for the future of the United States, and Dennis has learned that to despair is a sin. What helps with despair? Boston Children’s Hospital has released a video: Children Know They Are Trans ‘the Minute They Were Born.’ Are liberals a bigger problem than the Left... is the bully or the bystander the bigger issue? Judaism is based in law, Christianity in faith... these gifts are also the curse of each religion. If you aren't on the Left, you’re a fascist... this binary thinking lacks courage. The Left’s brainwash is effective, and most effective in big cities. Dennis explains that the Tower of Babel from Genesis is always mentioned with “the city attached to it.” Big cities, masks, and protesting provide anonymity. Anonymity foments lawlessness and doesn’t breed kindness. The secret weapons in combating despair are knowing history, belonging, religion, and fighting... you don't have to have a microphone... small things matter.
Confrontation Adverse
Are you a character, is it genetic, or can it be learned? Dennis’ theory on having theories… like Julie, he wanted to understand life at an early age. Dennis and Julie were taken by an email from a young fan. Only good people acknowledge goodness. Many on the Left disregard free will and avoid confrontation. Living a good life will lead to having no fear of death. Love is a false God… religion can be too. Dennis would rather be on an all-star team than be a star. Passing the torch of civilization is constant hard work... nothing is guaranteed. Many people on the Left are fighting issues they've never experienced; they have contempt for the traditional… while novelty is rewarded. Students are asked to critique the classics, not appreciate them. Paul Johnson is a gift to humanity.
Dennis and Julie discuss being vulnerable in today’s culture. Does having a hobby require a certain level of vulnerability? Dennis observes that while men rib each other… women do not. Hook up culture benefits one sex… and it isn’t women. Men desire variety, how can that lead to monogamy? Is sex before marriage a sin? Dennis believes there are gradations of sin… all evil is sin, but not all sin is evil. The prevalence of marijuana use in society continues to rise. They discuss using marijuana versus alcohol. Dennis watched an episode of Real Housewives and Naked and Afraid much to Julie’s surprise. How much of reality tv… is reality? Surrogacy is miraculous, but is it being misused. Conservatives understand how liberals think, but liberals have no clue how conservatives think. Dennis regrets saying one thing in 40 years of broadcasting. Have Dennis’ views changed in 40 years… “Am I conservative or am I just logical!” Forget political affiliation… does it make sense?
Sinatra vs Sheep
Dennis and Julie discuss the desire to always keep learning. Strive to do what you love for a living. Passionate individuals are infectious… the passionless are boring. Dennis did it his way, unafraid of the pressure to conform to societal norms. They lament the effects that masks have had on public interactions. The politicization of everything in society has killed social relations. Is Facebook fading in popularity… replaced by Instagram? Social media has crushed human to human exchanges. Is social media more detrimental to females? How do you protect children from the harmful aspects of social media? Shabbat provides a solution… having no screen time is beneficial for kids. What’s the fascination with posting food pics? If you’re not interesting, you’re not interested… you’re not bored, you’re boring. One way to avoid boredom is to find a way to make things fun. Dennis talks about his childhood… traveling alone at seven years old. Romantic behavior is great, romantic thought is dangerous. Love is love… it doesn’t matter who it comes from.
God and Autism
Dennis and Julie discuss God’s role in a world with suffering. Both Dennis and Julie have family members on the spectrum… how do you reconcile God and autism? The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” The system fails us all… it's how you react that matters. If you think people in the United States are oppressed… travel abroad! Most universities were founded based in religion and have become bastions of “wokeness.” Today’s state of “woke-ism” equals Spoiled Brat Syndrome. Americans are the most privileged people on the planet. The phrase "the personal is political" arose in late 1960s and it underscored the connections between personal experience and larger social and political structures. Feminist Catharine MacKinnon is falsely attributed with saying "All sex is rape." It annoys the Left if you don’t have politics at the center of your life. It’s important to have a rich life outside the realm of politics. Envy versus emulation. Dennis shares his encounters with Betty Friedan, Elie Wiesel, and Simon Wiesenthal.
Ethical Monotheism
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss the fear of being alone, and the difficulty of finding a partner with your values. Hook-up culture has killed traditional dating and allows boys to remain immature. Being vulnerable is difficult but shows great strength of character. Birthdays are a marker of maturity… exciting when one is young …and a reminder of futility as one ages. Dining out equals freedom. In the United States today, sadly, ideology trumps nature. Julie explains “sub-tweeting” to Dennis. Why do we never hold secular hypocrites accountable? We are living in an unprecedently overly secular society – unique in human history. Dennis’ life mission has been to urge his audience to fully understand the consequences of secularism. Anyone who says they love ALL of one group… is crazy.
Holy Cow
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss finding Julie a suitable husband. Is flirting still acceptable or just received as creepy? The Left/Woke culture has done such damage to younger generations with respect to courtship, dating, and love. They been taught to not trust religion or wisdom from the past …you do you… value yourself uber alles. This generation has also been taught that nothing is superior, that moral neutrality is a better way. If there is no Bible… then why is murder objectively wrong? Arguing the importance of God is what matters, not arguing the existence of God. Julie’s old high school now has “healing” rooms. World travel has tremendous benefits.
God and Country
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss what kids believe in. If not God and country, what do younger generations believe in? There is no such thing as “your truth.” The self-esteem movement has bred self-centeredness. Paranoia is a form of narcissism. Julie was taken aback by the large number of Anti-Fourth of July posts. To which she replies: if the United States is so horrible… Why do you still live here? Actions without speech are not enough. Life is made up of doing things you don’t want to do.
Ladder to Heaven
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss suffering as a requirement of a world with free will. Has the pursuit of a meaningful life been replaced by the desire to seek excitement? America has always exported great values, and now we export “woke” ideology. The story of Adam and Eve portrays the choice of man rather than the fall of man. If you want honey… prepare to be stung.
Me Isn’t Important
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss growing up with good character. George Bernard Shaw wrote: "Youth is a wonderful thing. What a shame to waste it on children," Dennis offers some key things that can lead young people into a meaningful life. Learning about life is the most important thing one can do to combat wasting youth. How does Dennis’ mind work regarding his bible commentaries? How did Dennis arrive at the understanding that God is a He? Nothing matters that isn’t true… Dennis always asks: is it true… and will it make a good world? Good character traits require habit, ritual, discipline, and diligence. Who is your greatest role model?
Are People Innately Good?
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss Dennis’ recent debate with an Orthodox Rabbi on whether people are innately good. You are a happier person if you do not believe that people innately good. There is a world of difference between the Left and the Right… the chasm grows daily. Lack of religion is fueling narcissism. It is easier to blame America than yourself. If the world can do well without God… it’s irrelevant if God exists. Moral chaos is inevitable without biblical values. Topics include: meeting fans; love at first sight; common sense vs what experts say; good intentions mean nothing; saying you believe in God tells you nothing about a person; transgenderism; overcharging terms cheapens their meaning; forgiveness requires atonement.
Is There Any Hope?
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss: masking; capitalizing the “B” in black; racial terminology; is it safe for conservatives to share their opinions publicly; people that share famous names; JFK conspiracies; thanking law enforcement is a must, they see a side of life most do not; the future of the Left, America, and social media; is there hope… there IS, but there’s no chance; young people would be better off not chasing once in a lifetime experiences, but instead developing a few good habits; social media can be a huge waste of time, and trying to curb your use of it is difficult; “the medium is the message” - Marshall McLuhan; a good person in the Left’s view fights America’s bad aspects… a good person on the Right fights the bad aspects of themselves; you must know your opposition by reading them rather than using intellectual shortcuts.
Graduation, Gun Control, and the Heteronormative
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss Julie’s graduation from Harvard. The NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave the commencement speech. As Julie transitions from college to working professional… Dennis has advice. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but the road to heaven is paved with wisdom. Other topics discussed: big government vs small government; power and gun control; the Uvalde shooting; hostility from the Left; fatherlessness; Godlessness; arrogance; practice what you preach but also preach what you practice; it wasn’t Covid that changed the world it was the lockdowns; the Left loathes Judeo-Christian Heteronormative values.
Condemning Anti Americanism
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss Julie’s senior speech at Harvard. She spoke about condemning anti-Americanism. Leftism reduces America to its ugliest moments. We must stand up and fight, as President Reagan said: "If not us, who? If not now, when?" America will face a reckoning if we do not counter this “woke” movement. Explore your own mind, it takes discipline, very few people produce without coercion. Modern conservatism summarized equals: religion, nationalism, and economic freedom. The antipathy of the Left derives from a desire to be God … the unwillingness to accept a moral transcendent source higher than one’s self.
Cut Flower Ethics
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss the leaked Roe v Wade decision from the Supreme Court. The Left has freaked out about abortion on social media and that has buried the larger issue … that something was leaked from the Supreme Court. There is a real threat to the right to free speech in America today. If pro-life people are racist, wouldn’t they advocate for abortion … much like Margaret Sanger did. Leftist secularists of today reject the ethics of the religion that created our country and the freedoms we enjoy.
Demonization and inaccurate characterization of the Right is a tactic of the Left, not sound evidence… anger and victimhood go hand in hand. The need for attention now supersedes the pursuit of truth.
How Important Is What You Say In Private
Join Dennis and Julie as they discuss Dennis’ trip to Mar-A-Lago and his meeting with former President Trump. The 2020 election had several anomalies … Dennis discusses his screening of the film 2000 Mules. They also talk about former President Trump’s tenure in office, “locker room talk,” and his possible run in 2024. There is an old Hebrew saying, it's not the thought that counts but the deed. Both men and women need to control their natures. The Left externalizes their emotions and characterize their perceived evils … but reality does not match these characterizations. Being amongst people who disagree with you sharpens your convictions
Know Who You Are
Harvard University is setting aside $100 million for an endowment fund and other measures to close the educational, social, and economic gaps that are legacies of slavery and racism. The funding will also support confronting tangible legacies of slavery affecting communities in the United States and in the Caribbean, to which New England’s slavery economies were closely tied. Julie isn’t anti-Harvard… she wants Harvard to be better. The devolution of what we are living through today, began when Dennis was in college.
Topics include: having the courage to know who you are… and live accordingly; no one knows proper English anymore; Harvard’s legacy of slavery… look how moral we are to avoid the woke mob; does one’s nature at a young age remain the same though life; the diversity delusion; the woke movement is actually hurting the groups it portends to help; respect should be earned.