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Pfizer-BioNTech Plan to Inject Babies with Experimental COVID-19 Injection as Soon as January 2022
The ramming through of these vaccines is continuing after the FDA approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA “vaccine.” It’s clear that their mission is to inject every man, woman and child as quickly as possible. This is evidenced by the planned studies of this experimental drug, as they are going to begin testing Comirnaty on babies under the age of 6 months as soon as early 2022.
- Freedom First Apparel - Look as patriotic as you feel. Use code JEFF for 10% off at http://freedomfirstshop.com
- Tickets for the upcoming Cancel-Proof Christianity Summit are now on sale. This event will take place in Ft Worth, TX, on September 25th, featuring speakers like Jeff Dornik, Dr Bobby Lopez, Jeff Younger, Judd Saul, Dr Mike Spaulding, Dr Paul Church, Pastor Sam Jones and Doni Anthony. Get your tickets at http://cancelproofchristianity.com
- Freedom Phone- Break away from Big Tech and order a Freedom Phone. Promo Code MAGA https://freedomphone.com
FDA Confirms Both Vaxxed and Unvaxxed Have 99% Chance of not Getting COVID-19
The mainstream media has been harping on the claim that the COVID-19 vaccine is 95% effective. Most, however, do not understand what that means. The most shocking aspect of the study the FDA cites in its approval letter of the Comirnaty mRNA Vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech is that more than 99% of both the vaccinated and unvaccinated did not get COVID-19. This is why it’s important to understand the data and read past the headlines.
- Tickets for the upcoming Cancel-Proof Christianity Summit are now on sale. This event will take place in Ft Worth, TX, on September 25th, featuring speakers like Jeff Dornik, Dr Bobby Lopez, Jeff Younger, Judd Saul, Dr Mike Spaulding, Dr Paul Church, Pastor Sam Jones and Doni Anthony. Get your tickets at http://cancelproofchristianity.com
- Check out our Freedom First Book Store for some great titles, including Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America and Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement. Use code JEFF for 10% off at http://freedomfirstshop.com
- Freedom First Coffee - Drink the coffee of Patriots. Use code JEFF for 10% off at http://freedomfirstcoffee.com
California lawmakers plan on introducing vaccine mandates in 2022
AB455 was a transportation bill that Democrat lawmakers were considering gutting and rewriting to become a vaccine mandate law. When Californians found out, we rightfully began calling our legislators to let them know what we thought about it. Fortunately, we got a temporary victory and this will not be introduced during this legislative session… but don’t relax yet! Democrat lawmakers confirmed that they plan on introducing this legislation early in 2022.
- Freedom First Apparel - Look as patriotic as you feel. Use code JEFF for 10% off at http://freedomfirstshop.com
- Our Gold Guy - Talk to IRA about whether investing in gold is right for you. Let them know Jeff sent you athttp://ourgoldguy.com
- Tickets for the upcoming Cancel-Proof Christianity Conference are now on sale. This event will take place in Ft Worth, TX, on September 25th, featuring speakers like Jeff Dornik, Dr Bobby Lopez, Jeff Younger, Judd Saul, Dr Mike Spaulding, Dr Paul Church, Pastor Sam Jones and Doni Anthony. Get your tickets at http://cancelproofchristianity.com
Unrest in the Middle East is all a Part of the Globalist Plan
If you take a look at recent history, you saw wars being fought in the Middle East during each president’s term from Bush Sr until now… except for Donald Trump. Each of those presidents were and are globalists. So when we had peace in the Middle East during Trump’s presidency, it was almost like clockwork when Afghanistan fell to the Taliban once Biden took office. It’s almost as if this was too perfect. The question is, could this all be a part of the globalists’ plan?
- Tickets for the upcoming Cancel-Proof Christianity Conference are now on sale. This event will take place in Ft Worth, TX, on September 25th, featuring speakers like Jeff Dornik, Dr Bobby Lopez, Jeff Younger, Judd Saul, Dr Mike Spaulding and Dr Paul Church. Get your tickets at http://cancelproofchristianity.com
- Freedom First Apparel - Look as patriotic as you feel. Use code JEFF for 10% off at http://freedomfirstshop.com
- Our Gold Guy - Talk to IRA about whether investing in gold is right for you. Let them know Jeff sent you athttp://ourgoldguy.com
The Left’s COVID-19 gaslighting is making us rethink everything… what if it’s all a facade?
One of the results of how our government, the mainstream media and social media has handled the COVID-19 “pandemic” has created a unique situation for all of us truth lovers. They’ve gaslit us to the point to where no one can believe what they are seeing right in front of them… which is why they are pointing us to the “experts.”
Interested in investing in gold? Talk to Our Gold Guy... let him know that Jeff sent you. http://ourgoldguy.com
FDA approves Pfizer Jab after only confirming it protects you from COVID-19 for 7 days
The FDA has officially approved the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. What most don’t realize is what they are justifying this on. According to the announcement released by the FDA, they’ve found it’s 95% more effective in protecting you from getting COVID-19 within seven days of being injected than if you haven’t gotten the jab. Plus, there’s a lot of other bombshells in their announcement…
Grab a bag of Freedom First Coffee. It's 100% organic, fire-roasted and tastes like FREEDOM. It's the true coffee of patriots. Use code JEFF at checkout for 10% off at http://freedomfirstcoffee.com
Democrats sue to stop the California Recall Election of Gavin Newsom
The Democrats are desperate, as they can see the writing on the wall. The momentum in the California Recall Election fo Gavin Newsom is swinging wildly in the favor of the Republicans. The Dems have tried everything from claiming the recall is funded by the same people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th to allowing Print at Home ballots to now suing to stop the election altogether.
Joe Biden’s incompetent foreign policy is why Afghanistan was overthrown
As Barack Obama told us many times throughout his presidency, there are consequences to elections. Despite the fact that the 2020 Election was stolen from Donald Trump, the consequences of Joe Biden and the Democrats being in charge are horrific. Not only is our great nation being systematically destroyed, but their foreign policy has directly led to the overthrow of Afghanistan.
Why Republicans Must Vote in Elections That are Rigged
Many Republicans are scared of having the “Lin Wood Effect” on upcoming elections, so they are avoiding the election fraud debate altogether. They want to focus solely on voter turnout and hope that the election isn’t rigged. We can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. If we are going to ever win an election again, we must focus on both Voter Turnout AND Election Fraud. If you only focus on one without the other, we’ll lose every time.
Sen. Kevin Cramer is Willing to Trade Your Constitutional Rights as a Bargaining Chip for Voter ID
Conservatives focus too much on exposing the hypocrisy of the Left… so much so that they allow their policy decisions to be influenced by that motivation. North Dakota Senator Kevin Cramer is pushing for a requirement on states that mandate Vaccine Passports to also require Voter ID. This is a dangerous strategy that will almost surely backfire in our face.
Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt
The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems to get the remaining routers and passcodes needed to complete the Arizona Audit. The response from both parties is a complete disregard for transparency in the integrity of our elections. The summary of their response? The election was completely secure, but we won’t prove it to you… just trust us. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…
AZ Senator Mark Kelly Proposes Government Funding for Media That Largely Promotes Democrats
As if we didn’t already have a Mainstream Media working on behalf of the Deep State, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly now wants to make it official with The Local Journalism Sustainability Act. How much do you want to bet that none of the funds will be used to support Conservative news outlets?
Gavin Newsom’s Vaccine Rhetoric is out of Control
During a recent speech, California Governor Gavin Newsom called out the unvaccinated, claiming that we do not have the right to be a part of society unless we get the Jab. He equating being unvaxxed to drunk driving in regards to the risk of killing those around you. Given the data and statistics, this is not only out of control tyranny, but a flat-out lie. We’ll break down the data and numbers regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” in the second half of the show.
Lessons From Black Rifle Coffee: Who are the PAYtriots vs the Patriots
Black Rifle Coffee has completely turned their back against the MAGA Movement, pushing the typical Leftist talking points that we are all just a bunch of racists. Now that they’ve made it clear they don’t want our money, how can Conservatives decipher which brands are legitimately pro-America vs the grifters like BRC?
Dr Fauci is Lying to Congress to Protect Himself From Punishment for his Involvement in COVID-19
The video of Dr Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul is making its rounds today, with both sides of the aisle claiming victory. Conservatives see Rand Paul exposing Fauci as a corrupt liar with blood on his hands, while the Left sees Fauci condemning Paul for making up wild conspiracy theories. Their defense is that he’s under oath, so he wouldn’t lie to Congress. However, which is a worse punishment: Lying to Congress or illegally developing COVID-19 in Wuhan and covering it up?
Caitlyn Jenner Leaves Campaign to Film Celebrity Big Brother
We are just a couple months from the Recall Election in California, and many have considered reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner the frontrunner with the best chance to defeat Gavin Newsom. But the question is, does Jenner actually want to be governor? Caitlyn is in Australia right now filming Celebrity Big Brother as the state of California is heading back into lockdowns and trying to decide whether to recall Gavin Newsom.
Order your Freedom Phone using code MAGA for $50 off at http://freedomphone.com.
California goes rogue, ignoring science and the CDC’s COVID-19 guidelines
As we approach the end of summer, many parents have been wondering what it’s going to be like for their children to return to full-time school in the fall. The CDC released their new guidelines, which state that vaccinated children to not need to wear masks in school. The state of California is ignoring this and will continue to demand children wear masks unless they get The Jab.
Marvel actor David Harbour defends Socialism with the stupidest argument ever
During promotional interviews for the new Marvel Cinematic Universe (otherwise known as the Marxist Cinematic Universe) movie Black Widow, actor David Harbour (also of Stranger Things fame) claims that he doesn’t think "there’s anyone who could disagree with socialist ideology.” He uses one of the stupidest arguments in order to justify this claim.
Dems are pitting the RINOs against Marjorie Taylor Greene in an effort to manipulate them
The Democrats are calling on Kevin McCarthy to reign in Marjorie Taylor Greene, claiming that she's a danger to their lives. They claim that her rhetoric will lead to a repeat of January 6th... despite the fact that it was organized by the FBI. Either way, this is a strategic move by the Dems to force the RINOs to either join them or fully embrace Team Trump's America First Agenda.
Los Angeles County is back to face masks even for the vaccinated
With the new Delta Variant of COVID-19 popping up across the country, the Left is jumping all over this to justify going back into lockdowns. The first step is to continue to push for the vaccines, and then they are also requiring face masks and are discussing going back into lockdowns. The question is, however, what does the science say?
Former AG Bill Barr is yet another Trump official who turns out to be nothing more than a RINO
Now that it was released that President Trump's Attorney General William Barr didn't care to do anything about the stolen election of 2020, President Trump released a statement that lit into him. Was Barr a Deep State operative working against Trump from the Department of Justice or was he just incompetent... or both?
Rudy Giuliani's suspended law license is a warning to Conservatives... the Left's coming for you
The fact that Rudy Giuliani had his law license suspended in the state of New York should be a warning to us all: If you believe the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen, the Left is coming for you.
Conservatives fell right into the Juneteenth trap set by Democrats
While President Donald Trump had originally wanted to make Juneteenth a national holiday, he was unfortunately unable to make that happen. The Dems have now hijacked that plan and manipulated it to their advantage, setting up a trap for conservatives to step into, once again. We've been setup yet again... and we fall for it every single time.
The fact-checkers get it wrong again: It’s not illegal to name an unindicted co-conspirator
After Tucker Carlson’s bombshell story about the FBI’s involvement in organizing the violence at the Capitol Building on January 6th went viral, the Mainstream Media and Big Tech predictably “fact-checked” his story, “debunking” it with “legal experts” who claim that the reason the names of the unindicted co-conspirators are concealed is because it is illegal to release their names. The fact checkers should have checked their facts, because that is patently false.
No longer just theories... the evidence proves a Deep State conspiracy of the highest order
Whether we are talking about COVID-19 in regards to its origin, vaccines and treatments; or whether we are talking about the fact that the FBI organized the events of January 6th; or whether we are talking about the massive voter fraud that stole the 2020 Election from Donald Trump, the evidence continues to mount that we are going up against a massive globalist cabal that will lie, cheat and steal in order to destroy America by any means necessary.