Jessie Czebotar Clips

Jessie Czebotar Clips

    Sabrina, Recruiting Tool for Children + The Movie The Craft, Jessie Prayed and with God's Help Was Able to Steer Some Young Girls Away From Witchcraft + Cannibalism, Normalization, Belenoff, Cannibal Restaurant, Consumption and Power
    The Simpsons, Summoning Circle, Pentagon with Candles at the Points, Protection Inside the Pentacle (Not Outside) + Monsters University, One Eye Symbolism, Stealing Screams From Children, Gift to Remain Young + Fire
    Pokémon Introduces Children to the Basics of Elemental Magick, 72 (Demons), Grandmaster, "I Summon You", Names of Actual Demons + Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water
    Disney's Gravity Falls, Monarch Butterfly, Mind Control + Palm Magick with (Demonic) Spirits + Shriner's Hat, Fish and Other Symbols on the Clockface, Level 32
    Prayer + Lion King Movie Poster, Subliminal Imagery + Harry Potter DVD Cover, Baal and Ashtoreth Pillars, Sex Magick, Red Book + Harry Potter Game, Quadrants, Frog, Keys + J.K. Rowling, Is She a Witch?
    The Power of God, The War with Satan; Satan's Plan Includes Going into the Tunnel Systems + Pray, Let Justice Come, Ask the Lord to Close the Doorways and Stop Their Flight, Witness the Power of God
    Each Spiritual Gate Has Access Points, Tones, Harmonics, Resonance, Frequency + SCOTUS in February 2018 + Quotas, Meditation, Om Ma Ra + The Letter is Missing the Word 'Are', Suggests Ra, In the Chest, Directing People to Emerald City
    Access Points and Locations, George Washington and (Princess) Diana Spencer, Above Ground Indicators, Paintings + The Tunnel Extends Below the Ocean, William the Conquer 1066, Codes for Opening Spiritual Gates
    Reptilian, Dragon Bloodlines, Acknowledges Familiar Spirits, Generational + Reptilian Spirits on Earth's Surface, Generational Spirits in the Realm Below, Realm Even Deeper in the Middle of Earth + The Tunnel Systems, Light and Energy, Tesla Tech.
    Ancient Bloodlines, Talking to Elites, Duty to Help (Hubby Runs a Protector Assassin Dept.), Want Protection, To Flee Country + Spiritual Not Legal Issue, Not Permitted by God, Satan Must Ask + 'Highly Charged', Military Term, Deeper Meaning
    Kestrel and Tanager Nodes, Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, 'Dear Ones' Refers to the Elites in the Brotherhood, Not the General Public + High Level Illuminati Stuck in US, Trump Grounded 757s, Monitoring/Watching the Water
    Descends From Rasputin & Queen Victoria, Physically Manifests in Places, Visits White House, Kremlin and Buckingham Palace, Arrives Unannounced + Jimmy Page, Golden Dawn, Stairway to Heaven, May Queen + Glamis Calling Website, Letter
    Owns the Bohemian Grove (Ritual Grounds), Sees the Non-Nobility as Grubby Little Downstairs Staff + House of Wettin + Grand High Priestess Above the Others, Husband Heads Wolves Protector Department + Scares Putin + Not Impressed by Satan
    Somerset Belenoff, The Countess of Banbury, Head of the World Governing Council (a.k.a. the Satanic Council), CEO of the World Security Office + Upper Chambers
    Jessie's Divorce in the Heavenly Courts, Authority Given By Satan and also By Jesus Christ + Jessie Bore the Sins of All the Previous Mothers of Darkness
    Condemnation versus Conviction, Condemnation Leads to Guilt, Shame and Death + Control + The Work That Jesus Did Was Enough + The Enemy Steals Joy
    Perfectionism, A Form of Godliness, The Fear of Losing Salvation + Romans 6 + The Wrath of God For Applauding Evil
    The Silent Treatment, The Dragon Pit on the Grounds of a Rothschild Mansion + Jessie's Proctor Threatened Her Siblings, The Approved Narrative + Beatings From Michael Karcok
    The Superbowl Was Really Honoring a Different Tom Brady + Sexual Abuse, "Pegging", Religious Statues Used for Sexual Abuse + Lies and Cover Ups
    Indiana Jones 4 Shows An End-Time Ritual, Tsion (The Underground City, also known as Mars, Located Under Area 51) and Pleiadians + Jessie's Blood is Linked to a Scroll, Prophecy
    The Light Side of the System, Lucifer Appears as an Angel of Light + Emerald City (The Underground City Located Under the Pentagon) + Healing Using Witchcraft, Knowledge Comes at a Price
    The Tactics That Are Used to Try to Discredit Witnesses, This is About Highest Level Child Trafficking + Donald Trump, Quantum Computing
    Fake Arrest Warrant, Deep State Tactics, Attempts To Silence Whistleblowers + Jesus' Work is Complete
    Northern Sisters of Light, Spiritual Oppression + Novels That are Used in The System + New Lives at Risk + Prayer
    The Spirit of Suicide, Witches + Good Schoolteacher, Literature Including Charles Dickens + Chickenshit Demons + Memorizing Scriptures