Jessie Czebotar Clips

Jessie Czebotar Clips

    Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far, Feminine Energy, Cher (Dark), Coming into Her Position + Pink's Mother (Light), Could Be Indicating the Light Side of the System + Daughter, Fire
    Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far + Marketing of Stars, Seem to Be Rebelling + Military Father, MK Ultra + Toy with Teeth, Teeth are Sometimes Kept as Trophies + Pink as a Housewife, Doing all the Work
    Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far, Pink Looks Drugged, Cher Appears as a Mother Goddess, Pink's Teacher Maybe + Pedo Symbolism on the Island + Titanic, SS, Smocking, Nazis are Behind It All
    Pink Music Video Decode, All I Know So Far + Joker, Fool, Burying Their Heads in the Sand + Money Pigs Guarding What Looks Like the Entrance to Emerald City (Underground City) + Alice in Wonderland and Over the Rainbow
    Beyoncé Music Video, Spirit (The Lion King), Tree of Life, Mother, Life Coming From Her + Circle with a Dot in the Middle, Alchemical Symbol for Fire (in Water) + Form of Magick with Mother and Daughter + Mask, Ceremonial Covering, Obama
    Beyoncé Music Video Decode, Spirit (The Lion King), Dress is Like Female Parts, Priestesses of Delphi with Water Imagery, Goddess Trinity with her Daughter + Earth Birthing Her, Beyoncé as a Goddess
    Beyoncé Music Video, Spirit (The Lion King), Lyrics, Wind, Masonic Vows, Demonic General Thoth + I Am, Lucifer + Colours, Meaning + Obama, First Time Satanic Council Has Been Headed by 14th Bloodline, Muslim Brotherhood, Line of Ishmael + Black Madonna
    Posture Training + Gloria Vanderbilt died, Beyoncé Won the Battle (Against Meghan Markle) to Take Her Position as Grand High Priestess, East Quadrant, Gold + It's Typical to Release a Song to Announce Your New Position to the Luciferian Brotherhood
    The Winslows and The Sullivans, High Level Masons Brought in to Build Chicago, Specific Designs, DUMBs, Trafficking + Technology to Track People From Their Fingerprints in Real Time, There is No Hiding From Spirits
    Copyright Strike on Previous Video (on Youtube in 2021) + Trolls Really Upping their Game, Probably Being Paid (or Should Be), The Authorities Know Who They Are + Helping Veterans
    Prayer of Thanks and For Peace That Surpasses All Understanding and To See Miracles and Hear Testimonies
    Jessie's Website and Patreons + Donations Are Welcome for Veterans, Survivors and Champions + Problem with Go Fund Me
    Attacks Against Jessie Have Been Going on for Over 4 Years (Circa July 2021), These Attacks Have Escalated, Private Details Have Been Exposed, Lies Have Been Added + What is the Purpose of the Attacks?
    Satan's End-Time Agenda to Send His Demonic Army Through the Spiritual Gates and Usurp the Throne of God, It Requires Demonic Possession so Humans Can Carry Them Through the Gates + Astral Projection, Near Death Experience (NDE) and Life After Death
    Ongoing Attacks + Soul Seal #3 Someone's Voice/Name, Soul Seal #4 Someone's Number, Soul Seal #6 Blood/DNA + John Brennan, Breeder Programs, Abortion + Soul Vaults
    Soul Seal #2 Handprints/Fingerprints, Someone's Ordained Works, Soul Seals are Forms of Currency + 3 Areas of Attack and How to Fight Against it
    The Next Level of the Battle + There are 6 Main Ways that Witches and Warlocks Have Soul Seals with Everybody, The First Way is Through Our Footprints
    Prayer for Freedom From Bondage, Chaos and Connection to Spirits + Website, Books and Some Other Shows Jessie Was On
    The Movie Constantine Contains Some Truths but it Also Equated Constantine with Christ, Saved Us with His Blood + George Likes The Exorcist Movie too
    Creatures in the Euphrates, Demonic General Azazel + Anointing, Plead the Blood of Jesus, Confess Sins, Ask for Forgiveness and to Be Cleansed of All Unrighteousness
    Harps and Trumpets Being Heard Around the World, Mechanical Spiritual Gates or Chained Demons + Are We in the End-Times Now? + 1,000 Year Reign of Christ, Second Harvest
    Vampires and Werewolves + They Have to Tell Us What They Intend to Do, or Do They? Satan Has to Ask for Permission in the Throne Room + Predictive Programming, 9/11, Cannibalism, Normalization Through TV/Movies etc.
    Clip of an Exorcism with Ed and Lorraine Warren + Changeling Spirits, Illuminati Protectors, Vampires and Werewolves, Connected to Spirits at the Age of 5 + It's Not an Illusion, Their Bones Actually Do Move
    Tarot Cards + Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding Really are Spiritual Gifts, God Can Give You More + King Solomon Asked for More Wisdom, He Was Led Astray By His Wives into Witchcraft
    Occultists in Different Areas of Society, Well Known People + Frank Lloyd Wright Houses, Similar to the Underground Railroad When Slaves Were Given Signs with Meaning about a Place i.e. What Help is Available There