Harmonia Veritatis
Harmonia Veritatis

Harmonia Veritatis



Welcome to Harmonia Veritatis (formally The World According to Allie), where we bring enlightenment to the masses, even those who slept through Latin class in public school. Here, we harmonize the symphony of truth, conducting a masterclass in critical thinking while adding a sprinkle of snark for good measure. So grab your earbuds and prepare for a journey where melodies meet skepticism, and ignorance is the opening act for enlightenment.

Harmonia Veritatis is latin for "Harmony in Truth" and through our musicians and songs we seek to express the truth through song.

Allie Cat Records holds the rights to Harmonia Veritatis, and all musical creations are protected. Without explicit permission from Allie Cat Records or its representatives, reproduction or copying of any musical art is prohibited. Tribute songs dedicated to specific groups or individuals may be used solely by the respective parties. For inquiries regarding song purchases, usage permissions, or requests from our online catalog on platforms like Rumble, YouTube, iTunes, and others, please contact us at alliecatrecords@aol.com

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Joined Apr 28, 2022

484 total views

30 videos