Pilot caught admitting to regularly dumping T.0.X.I.C chemicals from his P.L.A.N.E

Watchman's Duty
confronted the pilots who have been geoengineering Tuolumne's skies.
She's been waiting to do this for a long time.
I’ve been tracking cloud seeding flights, taking rain samples (over 20):
I’ve submitted several Public Records Act requests, and engaging with my Air Pollution Control District and CARB (California Air & Resources board).
Nothing has been done to address her concerns about the heavy metals in my rain after days of seeding. We’re breathing, drinking, and eating these heavy metals.
Silver iodide is NOT the only metal that is released during cloud seeding operations.
The flares require aluminum and zinc for combustion…and more.
EXCLUSIVE: Take Back the Sky, Your Guide to Unmasking Weather Manipulation
Join the movement to detect, document, and deter geoengineering efforts. Discover the tools you need to fight back against weather modification programs over your head!
Updated 2/10/2023
Weather Modification Association Certified Operators
Weather Modification Association Certified Operators
Certificate Name Affiliation / State
47 Newsom, David RHS Consulting, CA
50 Solak, Mark E. North American Weather Consultants, UT
59 Sweeney, Patrick H. Weather Modification International, ND
69 Remer, Fred M. University of North Dakota, ND
71 DeFelice, Thomas P. Sykesville, MD
78 Gilbert, Daniel B. Weather Modification International, ND
80 Flanagan, Todd R. North American Weather Consultants, UT
81 Beall, Stephanie D. North American Weather Consultants, UT
82 Blestrud, Derek Idaho Power, ID
83 Goehring, Jason Weather Modification International, ND
85 Walker, Gary Seeding Operations & Atmospheric Research, TX
86 Stone, Rick RHS Consulting, Ltd., NV
87 Brothers, Daniel North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, ND
89 Waller, Bradley Weather Modification International, ND
91 O’Dowd, Daryl Weatherdyne International, Alberta, Canada
92 Fischer, Jody Weather Modification International, ND
96 Hjermstad, Eric Western Weather Consultants, CO
98 Brainard, Adam Weather Modification International, ND
99 Juchtzer, Jesse Desert Research Institute, NV
100 Jennings, Jonathan Texas Weather Modification Association, TX
101 Ceratto, Jeffrey Weather Modification International, ND
102 Willette, Michael Weather Modification International, ND
103 Dawson, Nicholas Idaho Power, ID
104 Clay, Corey Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District
105 Osborne, (Cole) William North American Weather Consultants, UT
Weather Modification Association Certified Managers
Certificate Name Affiliation / State
8 Griffith, Don A. North American Weather Consultants, UT
10 Solak, Mark E. North American Weather Consultants, UT
12 Boe, Bruce A. Weather Modification, International, ND
13 Krauss , Terry W. Weather Modification, Intl., Alberta, Canada
14 Langerud, Darin W. North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, ND
15 Keyes, Jr., Conrad G. NMSU Emeritus Professor and Dept. Head, NM
16 Schneider, Mark North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board, ND
17 Yorty, David North American Weather Consultants, UT
18 Flanagan, Todd North American Weather Consultants, UT
19 Stone, Richard H. RHS Consulting, Ltd., NV
Weather Modification Association Honorary Members
Name Affiliation / State
Brewer, Wilbur E. (deceased) Bowman, ND
Brown, Keith J. Port Ludlow, WA
Bruce, Marion N. (deceased) South Dakota Weather Control Comm., McIntosh, SD
Cotton, Dr. William R. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
Cundiff, Stuart A. (deceased) California Electric Power Company, San Bernadino, CA
Dommes, Charles J. (deceased) Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power, Los Angeles, CA
Duckering, Don Fresno, CA
Duckering, Hilda Fresno, CA
Elliott, Robert D. (deceased) Montecito, CA
Golden, Dr. Joseph H. NOAA, Boulder, CO
Griffith, Don A. North American Weather Consultants, UT
Heimbach, James (deceased) Springvale, ME
Henderson, Thomas J. Atmospherics Incorporated, Fresno, CA
Hindman, Ed Wurtsboro, NY
Holroyd, Ed Arvada, CO
Lang, William A. (deceased) Southern California Edison Company, Los Angeles, CA
List, Dr. Roland (deceased) Toronto, ON, Canada
Morgan, Griff (deceased) Westminster, CO
Reinking, Roger (deceased) Longmont, CO
Renick, Jim Red Deer, Alberta
Schaefer, Vincent J. (deceased) State University of New York, Albany, NY
Solak, Mark E. North American Weather Consultants, UT
Super, Arlin St. Cloud, MN
Vonnegut, Bernard (deceased) Albany, NY
Woodley, William (deceased) Littleton, CO
on liberti Odessa Orlewicz
found on MellowKat
SK Telecom Uses 5G to Bring Fire-Breathing Dragon to Baseball Park. Uploaded 5 Years Ago!

Still think DRAGONS are a MYTH!🐲