Land of the Found- PART ONE

2 years ago

This is PART ONE of an exurb from a Beyond Quantum Healing session I facilitated on September 14, 2021.

In this session, my client finds herself in a future timeline here on Earth where there has been a major societal split. She lives outside of "normal society" in a place her higher self calls "the Land of the Found" where they thrive off of the land and each other. They also explain what they refer to as "the land of the Lost" where people live in fear and under government control.

We cover, how we got to that timeline, what to watch out for and most importantly of all, how to heal and/or avoid it all together.
*hint *hint, ALL TOGETHER.

Please take all dates/timeframes with a grain of salt. Spirit is not bound by our 3D linear time.

Thank you so much for listening!

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