Real Time: September 11 2001 | ATC: AA11 to Logan (BOS) & Boston Center (ZBW) (7:48am - 8:34am EDT)

2 years ago

Audio: ATC Recording for Flight 11 from 7:48 am to 8:34 am (EDT)
(Originally from

Note that audio from 8:34 am to 8:45 am (originally from the ATC Recording video) doesn't seem to match when that audio actually took place. I've kept in the audio, but have blurred the events to make sure that is clear.

Recorded on the 19th August 2021, with the following changes from last video:
- Focuses on Air Traffic Control Events from AA11 to Logan International Airport & Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center.
- Added 21 Air Traffic Control Centers across the United States. Updated model for Airports/ATCs.
- Added communication lines between AA11 & Logan/Boston Center.
- Fixed labels showing up for objects on the other side of the globe and behind the camera.

0:00:00 - No Audio
0:03:08 - AA11 Ready to Push
0:14:39 - AA11 Cleared for Take-off
0:20:50 - AA11 contacts Boston Center (ZBW) 133.42
0:24:15 - AA11 contacts Boston Center (ZBW) 127.82
0:28:40 - AA11 Hijacked
0:39:46 - AA11 Hijackers transmit messages
0:48:53 - AA11 Hijackers 3rd message
0:49:12 - Boston Center (ZBW) Calls (Times not accurate)

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