Covid Whistleblower Andrew G Huff Exposes a Big Lie and a Huge Intelligence Failure

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2 years ago

The Bill McIntosh Show is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at

The Bill McIntosh Show sat down with whistle blower and former Eco Health Alliance VP of Data and Technology, Andrew G. Huff, author of the soon to be released book THE TRUTH ABOUT WUHAN, HOW I UNCOVERED THE BIGGEST LIE IN HISTORY.

Eco Health Alliance is at the very center of the Corona 19 Pandemic. It won $3.75 million in grants from the U.S. National Institute of Health and with disbursement through Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases towards activities to be carried out in cooperation with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The funds were for a research project titled: “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

Huff's background prepared him for his role today as one of the prime Covid 19 whistle blowers. As a US Army infantry combat veteran, he was sensitive to foolish decisions and reckless policies that risk getting people killed. Andrew Huff saw unsafe situations while at EcoHealth Alliance which could have led to catastrophe with regard to infectious disease outbreak. 

Huff is also quick to assert, without hesitation nor any doubt whatsoever speaking as a PhD in the area of Emerging Infectious Diseases that the repeated narrative concerning the Covid 19 Pandemic beginning supposedly at a Wuhan, China wet market is false. Andrew Huff states:

“I was shocked by the narrative that first came out that they were trying to portray this disease as a naturally emerging infectious disease. And the whole story when it first came out, they thought maybe it was from the pangolins. They thought it was a wet market spillover event. It didn't make sense.

“And in the book, I get into details why that is. And you know, for your audience right now, wet market is a really broad definition of a whole range of places where people buy food, internationally. So we have the modernized westernized grocery stores here in the United States. But most of the world obtains their food in these types of these types of markets. So some of these markets are very clean and hygienic. And the other end of the spectrum, they're in third world countries. They're dirty. They're disgusting… But my point of describing that is I immediately went and looked at the pictures of the Wuhan market and the neighborhood of where it's located.

“You know, I compare it to the Upper East Side of New York City. It just didn't make sense that this type of spillover event, what happened there? That combined with the fact that I knew that the EcoHealth Alliance was engaged in the gain of function work at Wuhan, I started asking questions of myself, I started looking at my old documents, things started coming back in my memory. In 2020, then there is a series of events that happen to be personally in 2019, which were very strange, which could be related to this.”

Andrew Huff submitted a letter to Senator Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi) the ranking Republican member of the Senate Whistle blower Committee, dated Feb. 8th, 2022 in which he makes several bombshell charges concerning not only unethical practices that he saw at EcoHealth Alliance regarding timecard and reimbursement fraud against the U.S. government but that EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak was working with the CIA and that the executive team of the NGO spoke about its gain of function work that Andrew Huff opposed because it amounted to basically training the CCP in bioweapons and intellectual property theft.

Not anticipating the Covid 19 outbreak and its connection to the Wuhan Institute of Virology also constituted a huge US intelligence failure. Andrew Huff issued this broadside against the US intelligence community:

“And then the other cast of characters that are coming out slowly over time, it really looks like the intelligence community, it had their they had their sights on this laboratory. And then there's even State Department cables that came out that say, from the the consulate in Wuhan, that they're, they're concerned about the laboratory safety conditions at this laboratory. So the State Department does a lot of intelligence collection, so you start to look at the small, different angles. How do they miss it? You know, that's the question.

“It's fundamentally if you're if you're collecting intelligence on the so you have the types of signals, the advanced machine learning or artificial intelligence signals intelligence that I used to build in design, combined with all the different human intelligence sources that you're collecting on this laboratory. And you're finding the work in this laboratory to do the gain of function work? How did you not see this coming a mile away? And that simply it's that's why it's the biggest intelligence failure in US history.”

Huff also indicted in his letter to Sen. Wicker the concerns that he expressed about the lack of adequate bio security measures security in place at the Wuhan facility that put millions of lives in danger by stating:

“EcoHealth Alliance, and foreign laboratories, did not have the adequate control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management in place, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. In fact, I raised these concerns at an executive project planning meeting, where Dr. Daszak quickly dismissed my concerns. This Information is also validated by cables between the US Consulate in China and the State Department.”

Andrew Huff’s decision to become a whistle blower may explain the harassment that he seems to be enduring currently via hacks to his computer hardware and automobile; 24/7 drone surveillance near his home; a break in that caused him considerable damage and even a gunshot that was fired on his property. Watch this terrific interview!

The Bill McIntosh Show is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Become a local activist to expose Dr Anthony Fauci and Big Pharma and help the Freedom First Network through getting this book today via this tracking link at

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