Elden Ring - Cleanrot Knight - Review

2 years ago

Cleanrot Knight is another fight I had to defeat with my second character due to unintentionally finishing during practice however this time I couldn't quit and restart because I died due to being poisoned right after the final blow. I'll show the clip after the review.

I finally found an arena with hazards other than falling to your death. It may just be poison but at least it's a step in the right direction so hopefully I get to see more arena hazards later in the game. With this hazard I decided to make it a side challenge to not get poisoned in battle so figuring out the pacing was extremely fun for me.

I was going to parry this boss but the attacks were too inconsistent for my comfort in the end. It's definitely possible to land a parry however it's one of those situations were the attacks are not telegraphed well enough to count on. So basically my strategy relied on punishing attacks with a back stab because this boss gets very excessive with it's strikes so I prefer to keep my distance and wait for an opening. I only do this because I'm not a fan of rolling so many times due to the stamina waste and vulnerability to incoming attacks.

This boss was fine. It becomes a regular enemy later however it was nice seeing it in a fog containment with poison which added a decent obstacle. Apparently there's a duo boss fight with them so I'll have to see how well that works because duo fights in Elden Ring seem to be a hit or miss in terms of applying skill.

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