(THE SECOND DEATH! ) _ Hell has no exits!_See my brief commentary_Leonard Ravenhill

2 years ago

Book of Revelation is a book of Majesty, a book of Mystery and a book of Misery. I LISTEN TO THIS ABOUT 3-4 TIMES A MONTH REPETITIVELY. This is a good "behavior kept in line checker" from one of the Greats. Keeping FEAR OF JUDGEMENT is always a Good Attitude Corrector! You never know what day might be the last. I personally guarantee to anybody that does the same habit listening of this?___ Will HAVE A MORE CORRECTED WALK. Ravenhill is immensely deep. These were some of the Great teachers i had coming out the early 1970's revival along with my Revelation Seminars. My walk started heavily in 1975'- This was happening during Chuck Smith's Hippie revival in California and in the country as a whole.. I went on to North side Baptist Church/ School in Charlotte NC Under Jack Hudson from there . Now I've given my age away & what Pastor Kern Bailey(Ezek34) is about..-Jacob Prasch also came out of this period as some of my preferred others. Christ warned about Hell 10 times-Heaven only once. There is far more to repentance than saying I'm sorry! As Paul-I also take my Salvation with fear & trembling__A fool not too! I never grow tired of Ravenhill__ Ezek34-Pastor B

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