Last night in Sweden Part 15

2 years ago
Researchers at the Total Defence Research Institute express concern that broader segments of the population are losing confidence in society and government. A new FOI report goes so far as to suggest that the entire current social system in Sweden is threatened by "disinformation, conspiracy theories and accusations of corruption".
The presentation of the report, entitled "Democratic Security: An Anthology", argues that "social solidarity is under threat" - from both domestic actors and foreign powers - and that these are trying to "lower confidence in society and Swedish democracy".
It is also concerned that corruption is being highlighted as a serious social problem in Sweden, which it believes may even be a bigger problem than corruption itself.
The researchers also express particular concern that the Swedish people will lose further confidence in the Swedish state and its authorities, arguing that "conspiratorial narratives" can be used to "erode confidence in authorities" or "create uncertainty and insecurity" and even "feed extremism". Among the beliefs, which are said to be unfounded conspiracy theories, are that there is a population exchange of indigenous people in Sweden and other Western countries, the World Economic Forum's vision of "The Great Reset" and that coronary restrictions have been used as a means of subduing and controlling the population.

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