If you have knee or joint pain, you need to read this…

2 years ago


Top Arthritis Doctor: Do This Once A Day For New Knees
Harvard Doctor & Army veteran discovers delicious recipe to rebuild knees and joints without surgery
From Dr. Gregory Smith, MD, MPH Harvard University 1984

I remember very clearly the day I broke my granddaughter’s heart.

Usually, she would run to me, wrap her little arms around my legs, look up with that sweet face and say: “Play with me gamma?”
I would always say “Yes! Let’s play!”

And she would put her precious little hand in mine and pull me down to the floor to play with her stuffies and dolls.

We would laugh and play on the floor for hours.

It was one of the great joys of my life.

But on this day I had to say ‘No, Gampa can’t play today.

Her reaction cut me like a knife.

She looked up, tears welling in her eyes, and said “Whyyyy?”

I had to admit something that twisted the knife even further: “Gampa’s knees just hurt too bad, I’m sorry sweetie.”

She slowly walked away from me, disappointment all over her face.

It broke my heart.

But I just couldn’t do it anymore.
Kneeling on the floor, getting up and down, chasing her around: it was all too painful.I thought the pain in my knees would be worse than the pain I would feel letting her down.

Of course, I was wrong, breaking her heart was way worse.

I never felt older and more decrepit than I did at that moment.
It felt like the end of a big part of my life.

I would become that boring old grandpa that sat in a chair and patted his grandkids on the head as they ran by.
Eventually, they’d just ignore me altogether.

But I just couldn’t stand the pain anymore.

Nothing helped – believe me I tried.

I am a medical doctor after all. Physicians heal themselves, right?

NSAID drugs like ibuprofen would give me temporary relief, but I knew firsthand the damage they did.

I had patients that had a kidney, heart, and digestive issues from years of taking those terrible little pain pills.

And the prescription drugs were worse!

They’re habit-forming and downright dangerous for your long-term health.

But all that changed when I got an email from a doctor friend in Florida.
A patient of his had completely rebuilt his knees in a
matter of months without surgery.

He was using a strange mixture that contained two incredible, natural compounds.

One was banned for 83 years before the government finally came to its senses recently.

The other is so old it was gifted to Jesus Christ himself.

But I discovered that combining the two has a powerful effect on your body and especially your knees.
They’ve been treating the symptoms and ignoring the root cause.

And the way they’ve been treating the symptoms has prevented your body from healing the root cause.

Those pills are making your knees worse in the long run.

That’s why your knees are probably ‘bone on bone’.

You’ve been treating the wrong kind of inflammation.
This new breakthrough soothes a certain type o

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