God is good all the time 483: The trends in False Churches and Religions

2 years ago

I have been looking into some of the things that the false churches and religions that are here now have been doing. And I have been shown some really interesting yet disturbing things as far as these teachers, prophets and whatever title they think they want to have. First off they are on a power trip by the titles and then there is he messages that many are saying. They use fear and say that they are the only ones that will have the safe members. with this they start out by saying that this is what they are called to do by just getting people to follow them, then as they grow or think they are called to do so they start their own churches with no validation or accountability because that is up to God. Then after a while they start to need to build financially to continue and they then have their churches full of false teaching and fraud. Don't let yourself be fulled by the likes of these people stay informed and growing on the Word of God.

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