Stigma is not a Tattoo, part II

2 years ago

Concluding remarks on Stigma is not a Tattoo, Part I.

Following quotes inform Today’s Challenge in face of Evil.

The only corner of the World you can be certain of improving is yourself.

Adulux Huxley, American, 20th Century, Western Thought

Light the 🔥 Fire of Open Dialogue in your Community.

It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

Confucius, Asian, Eastern Thought, 5th Century

This Wisdom informs Society’s charge to contravene Architecture of Evil via Open Forum Dialogue dispelling Stigma surrounding these heart wrenching topics. Compassionate, informed & Value driven dialogue is the Way Forward in dismantling Architecture of Evil. Insidious ripples of this Evil strikes every shore & nook & cranny, of our lives, our towns, our Country & the World at large.

Return our Society to Moral, Ethical & Value driven Reign via Open Dialogue dispelling Stigma. Open Door. Act. Take your first step. Our World’s Future depends on it.

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