Weeds Grow Flowers Too

2 years ago

Weeds can be good or bad. Check if Weed is good or bad before you pull it out by the Root. Came to this concept when framing Stigma impact on Good People in wrong place, wrong time. For reasonable doubt in judgment or action, consequence of timing & circumstance, or by no fault of their own.

Book of Job is a primer on God’s Biblical answer to how & why bad things happen to good people.

God’s rhetorical & Prophetic answer is, ‘I made the Heaven’s & Earth in 6 days. And you are questioning me ?

God works in mysterious ways. I have come to understand Trials are Challenges. Practice paves the way to navigate next Challenge with increased Humility & Dignity, according to the Ways of our Lord.

Jesus rarely demonstrated outrage. His words resonated God, our Father’s Word. Mirroring consistency of Old & New Testament. He was in the fields, shores & homes of the People. Often with sinners & down trodden.

Dispel Stigma around Individuals whose life has seemingly & obliquely, spun out of control. Whom, heretofore, had a seemingly Moral, Ethical & Value driven compass in life, or not. Redemption is your Choice to receive Lord’s Grace for acts or acts of omission. Only upside.

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