2 years ago

If we are ever to find our way back into Gods heart we are GOING to have to be willing to do a VERY HONEST inventory of ourselves so that we can begin to move into His Inner Courts again. Some have never experienced inner court living, but I promise you that if you’ve never loved as deeply as God is taking us, once you experience it, nothing else will ever be enough! And the JOSEPHS are the ones that torch to show you your way back. Because like Joseph (those with the gift of love) are the ones who kept the torch lit- even when America was backing out of God’s heart 30 years ago. Even without her knowledge.
America used to not be like this- but do you remember the days where we were happy with God had given to us? We didn’t compare our lives to the life of Johnny Linseed next door but instead celebrated the life we had been given? We celebrated our families, our callings, jobs, the little things God did for us and most of all WE CELEBRATED HIM! We were humble, we didn’t compete unless at track meets and football games, we didn’t feel “less than” unless we had fallen short of Gods glory. But most of all we KNEW WHO WE WERE and WHOSE we were! (GODS).
We knew that and hence we allowed others to be who Christ had made them to be (flaws and all) to where we all knew how to celebrate each other (despite the fact that your friends might live in a mansion vs. your middle income neighborhood, but we knew how to view hearts. We knew how to view TRUTH! Gods truth- and we were humble enough to own our mistakes we let each other down- especially God.
But today- that process is not as applicable by most people (especially the church) because the church has gotten too busy to trying to “Keep up with Jones” or the world. Instead of being true to God. Now mind you, I DID think God does give facelifts to old systems (the Apparatus of Religion) by apply needed makeup here and there (God help us!) Which as brought the church into a MUCH needed/NEWER professional appearance! But how did we forget who we were? Had we become the Prodigal son or the Prodigal son’s brother? Because either position was wrong. Because one is steeped in rebellion and the other under the Apparatus of Religion- but BOTH are considered WITCHCRAFT!

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