Blackstone's Raising Money From The Middle Class To Buy AMERICA

2 years ago

Blackstone | The Plan For Wall St to take over Main St. Add me on insta @ThisisJohnWilliams

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Stephen Schwarzman is the founder of Blackstone which holds roughly $900,000,000,000 (yes, 900 billion) in assets under management. They invest in all sorts of businesses - they invest in real estate, they buy other companies through leveraged buyouts, they invest globally across nearly every market segment and their ambitions are only growing. We are seeing a very interesting approach from Blackstone with the use of crowdfunding through lowering the bar to invest with them. There is a discussion about lowering the standard to $1,000,000 to invest and then allowing the fund to be liquid so that investors can pull money at certain moments. This would allow them to raise cheap money and more money than ever before. This then would allow them to invest in assets that will do well in times of recession such as class C real estate and other recession proof businesses. Why would they invest in recession proof areas? They do not want to have the issue of having a capital call and being upside down on an investment. I believe this will be Main Street investing in Wall Street for Wall St to invest and buy Main Street.

What are your thoughts on this real estate syndication model through Blackstone? Do you think this will create more demand and build more attention around affordable housing thus making it even less attainable for everyday middle class Americans to buy their first home?

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