2 years ago

(2005) - Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (March 9, 1923 - February 2, 2010) was an American author, researcher, Lecturer, revisionist, historian and a conspiracy theorist.
"After forty years of patient study of the crises which faces humanity, I arrived at a very simple conclusion-all conspiracies are Satanic!" - Eustace Mullins
Eustace covers The Neo-Zionist order a.k.a. The Illuminati and many other topics in this interview, including WW2, Zionism, 911, Jews, etc. (Note: The group being referred to here are not the Jewish People, but a group using Zionism as a shield. The façade is to make you blame the Jews, while these people switch masks again should Zionism become exposed. (Lately I'm thinking Khazarian Mafia.)

"And how much liberty have you /americans/ got, anyhow? And so to the arsenal - are you the arsenal of democracy or of judeocracy? And who rules your rulers? Where does the public responsibility end and what race can mix in America without ruin of the public stock, the American brain? Who is organized? What say have you in the choice of your rulers? What control of their policy?"
"Everyday of war is a dead day as well as a death day. More death, more future servitude, less and less of American liberty of any variety."
Ezra Pound on July, 1942

NOTE: Discussion about Zionism, Israel, etc. starts @ ~ 1:04:55 into this interview.

Show notes:
Protocols ruled as a forgery in Switzerland = they are real, etc.
Stalin was not in charge of WW2 for 3 years 1942 to 1947 - it was an American Jew Herman who controlled Russia for those years.
Israel plans to exterminate all Muslims.
Henry Ford - How Jews tried to take control of his company.
Eustace is not a Holocaust denier - you can't be a denier of something that never happened !!!!! (this is what I have been saying for years). Holocaust 'denier' is just a well thought of Jewish use of the world to support their lies. ('Hebrew' = Habru = Bandit)
CIA formed in 1914 in London by British General Staff = Bank of England

How have the Jews attacked us?

1. Went on a century long campaign of demonizing men, to breakup our families, and weaken our nation producing gobs of bastards.
2. Displaced whites with immigrants in high paying jobs to disenfranchise and politically weaken whites, and made us subsidize it.
3. Have destroyed small business through numerous toxic policies to politically weaken whites.
4. Have monopolized markets with international conglomerates to control economy and subvert law/culture.
5. Encouraged toxic militant feminism to corrupt the minds of women, and single-parent culture.
6. Carried out the largest genocide in history in Russia, by Jewish Bolsheviks.
7. Have fomented every major war since the French revolution, for profiteering.
8. Deposed the kings of Europe, and infiltrated/weaponized the bureaucracies that replaced them.
9. Used our American military to install their central banks globally.
10. Converted our gold backed currency to fiat currency, and used fake money to steal our companies.
11. Used trade with china, to launder vast amounts of stolen money and intellectual property to diversify their theft.
12. Are trying to install bitcoin, so they can weaponize that stolen and laundered money globally and subvert national sovereignty.
13. False flag attacked us on 9/11 to get us to fight their "Greater Israel" war of expansion.
14. Created fire-sales in Syria, Libya, Iraq, etc. and invaded our nations with these refugees to gain land/political control and use for propaganda.
15. Created the Covid hoax, to provide cover to the Jew bankers for the economic crash; to justify more debt and tyranny.
16. Have used lobbies, super PAC, and media monopoly to usurp our political process and install their proxy leaders (Clinton, bush, Obama, Trump, Biden all Jew controlled).
17. Have used drug trade to attack our nation as well as fund revolutions and wars abroad often for corporate gains.
18. Have used their global media monopoly to constantly terrorize, with vastly exaggerated or non-existent threats.
19. Have ensured immigration issue has never been solved, to engineer the divisions of America's house of representatives.
20. Have engaged in every type of espionage and treason, even distributing nuclear technology.
21. Have used the UN to impose Jew policy on nations across the world, and create policy to attack us with our own money.
22. Have used the USA's foreign aid, to prop up regimes friendly to their corporate interests, and start civil wars.
23. Have used music and television to brainwash kids, glorify ghetto violence, and promote homosexuality and transgenderism.
24. Have used the department of education, and curriculum designed for the lowest common denominator to promote ignorance and brainwashing.
25. Have used healthcare as a weapon, be it through misdiagnosis, disrupting health insurance, or legislation to increase prices.

Why have they done all this?

For their plan to turn Israel into a globally leading superpower called "Greater Israel". To do so they will foment wars among the larger nations to break them up, and saddle them with debt.

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