You're Being Brainwashed

2 years ago

The Law of Exposure tells us that our minds think about, process and attract whatever it is most exposed too.

This performance law is fueled by the following understandings:

1. What enters your mind repeatedly, first occupies your mind, and then eventually shapes both your perception and reality.

2. Your mind will absorb and then ultimately reflect whatever it gets repeatedly exposed too.

3. The events you attend, the materials you read, the music you listen too, the images you watch, the conversations you hold, the friends you hang out with, the daydreams you entertain — all of these are right now shaping your mind, then your character, and eventually your future.

4. The environment where you live and work, along with the behavior demonstrated by parents and authority figures…as well as the standards and expectations enforced or unenforced create patterns of thinking which liberate or debilitate your mind.

5. You expose people to your behavior every day, and as a result you either make deposits or withdrawals into their psychological bank account.

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