Arizona Audit News | Maricopa Done? But...Wait Another Investigation in AZ?

3 years ago

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann says the Senate received a portion of the audit report along with images (submitted for analysis) of the mail in ballot envelopes from Maricopa County. They will meet with the Senate legal team on Wednesday to review the draft. The Senate will hold another meeting to make sure the report is accurate, clarify and confirm documentation with the findings so far.

Arizona State Representative Mark Finchem said in an interview with Steve Bannon that he is nearing the completion an investigation into the Pima Counties 2020 election results. The counties of Maricopa and Pima make up 80-85% of the Arizona's voters.

Jovan's video can be accessed here:

Great Clips available covering the Cyber Symposium and other election related media on

Check out CannCon. He has an excellent take on the news!

There has never been full forensic audits like the Arizona Audit and now is the time to expand the efforts to all the states!

Something crazy has been happening on YT. The purge of big Patriotic/News channels have been removed from YT. The list includes: Behizy, Doug TenNapel, Out of the darkness, Nick Moseder, Julie Green, Cann Con, Neil Johnson, Liz Harris and others! This is probably a violation of section 230 and US Code Section 42...?

Catch up with Doug and Q:
Doug on locals:
Doug is Gone Again!!
Q on locals:

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