Clear Evidence U.S. Government Is Committing Genocide

2 years ago

Sorry for the video quality. This video has been duplicated a few times in order to post it and spread the information to as many people as possible. If you want to see the original I found before reposting it, go to this link:

This doctor has been studying the so called vaccines, now confirmed as bioweapons since their release to the public. As of 5-April-2022, there is too much evidence implicating the United States government of knowing in advance that these biological weapons would kill U.S. citizens prior to release, that it can no longer be accidental. By all known laws and humane standards, the U.S. government has intentionally committed murder and mass genocide. The purposes at this point is unknown, but we expect it has been for profit and to coverup criminal activity.

What comes next is a huge unknown. But one thing is clear, due to the large population that unknowingly injected themselves thinking it was for health and safety, many have been deceived and will eventually die a premature death.

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