PFREI Series Episode 99: Anthony Faso & Cameron Christiansen

2 years ago

In today’s episode of Passion for Real Estate Investments, Co-Founders of Infinite Wealth Consultants, Anthony Faso and Cameron Christiansen, talk about infinite banking.

Anthony is a self-proclaimed “Recovering CPA.” Prior to Infinite Wealth Consultants, he held roles at PricewaterhouseCoopers, owned his own firm, and served in the army. Today, he teaches the Infinite Banking Concept, allowing his clients to grow their income with policies.

After reading a Nelson Nash book, Cameron’s life changed. Prior to Infinite Wealth Consultants, Cameron owned a small business. Dealing the frustration of looking for retirement plans, reading Nash’s book led him down the path towards Infinite Banking. Today, he teaches his clients the Infinite Banking Concept alongside Anthony.

What is infinite banking? Hear about what it takes to set up an account, the benefits of these policies, the importance of education, and the concerns that people have.

If you want to grow your money while continuing to invest, or if you want to learn about insurance policies that can help you, this episode is for you.

Highlights from the interview
* “We want people to invest in things that they know.”
* “People think you need a whole lot of money to get started, and you really don’t.”
* “One of the benefits of using this product is you can put in as much as you want to.”
* “When you take a policy loan, you’re not taking it from your policy, you’re taking it against your policy. You’re actually borrowing from the insurance company.”
* “If you use that money or that loan for an investment purpose, that interest you’re paying now becomes tax deductible.”

#AnthonyFaso #CameronChristiansen #InfiniteWealthConsultants

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