📖🕯 Holy Bible - 1 Kings 5 with Matthew Henry Commentary at the end.

2 years ago

📖 This chapter is about: Solomon's agreement with Hiram, Solomon's workmen for the temple.

🕯 How does this apply today?: "Christ, who is laid for a Foundation, is a chosen and precious Stone. We should lay our foundation firm, and bestow most pains on that part of our religion which lies out of the sight of men. And happy those who, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, for a habitation of God through the Spirit. Who among us will build in the house of the Lord?" ~ Matthew Henry

📖 About the book: The Books of First Kings is a book in the Old Testament. The history now before us accounts for the affairs of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel, yet with special regard to the kingdom of God among them; for it is a sacred history. It is earlier as to time, teaches much more, and is more interesting than any common histories.

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