Dr. Burnzynski's Cancer Cure Proved Yet Again, and ignored by the Medical Community...

2 years ago

19 years ago, this father and police officer testified as to the validity of the cure for cancer developed by Dr. Burnzinski and how it was a valid and 100% effective cure that was on purpose covered up and slammed as a fraudulent treatment.

This testimony on this video, and the subsequent death of this dad's daughter due to the radiation reaction his daughter was forced to endure to extend her life is heart breaking and a must see.

Should you or someone you know develop cancer, you need to look up Dr. Burnzynski and get his protocol treatment. Watch more of his story here at this link: https://rumble.com/vzaf91-dr.-burnzynskis-cure-for-cancer-has-been-suppressed-over-40-years.-watch-th.html

Share this video. The corruption and evil being perpetrated on the world with the Covid-19 hoax and the follow-up bioweapon that is killing people worldwide, has got to come to an end.

Here is what Covid-19 was listed as in 1989 (the Corona virus): https://rumble.com/vt7ztw-coronavirus-in-med-dictionary-from-1989-a-common-cold..html. It is not a fatal virus. It has never been isolated in a lab and in 99% of reported Covid cases, is not fatal.

What IS fatal in many cases are the vaccinations and boosters.

Here is one expert, Doctor Shawn Brooks, who summarizes the jab honestly and bluntly: https://rumble.com/vr004h-dr.-shawn-brooks-truther-doctor.-the-science-of-the-jab-is-deadly..html

Sadly, another expert voice in the wild is Dr. Tenpenny who says if you are fully vaccinated and over the age of 30, you will develop AIDS by the end of this year. Again, thanks to Big Pharmacy, we continue to be assaulted and given "treatments" that don't work versus solutions being shouted by Dr. Burnzynski's cured patients, but the Cabal turns the other way to shut these testifying cancer survivors out of sight.

I personally will never again get any shot or "vaccination" offered by any government agency ever again. They had shown their true colors and they are as black as death.

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