2022 Channel Update Y1Q1 Livestream, Podcast, and Video Changes

2 years ago

#theperiodicreview #channel #update #livestream #podcast #video #2022

Channel Update Y1Q1 2022
Thank you all for voting with your views, likes, and comments. They are super helpful and we take constructive feedback very seriously to our hearts and will change things to make our content even better for you the viewer! If you have anymore feedback on our content, please feel free to comment on this channel update to let your voice be heard. We are awaiting your thoughts, thank you.
Livestreaming Content Changes
We have heard you loud and clear that you love watching live streams more than just the videos. Our views doubled after JayReims weekly live streams went live in the month of March going from 200 views to well over 400 a month.
• We are planning on continuing the game livestreams as well as increasing stream length where we can. This will continue to be dictated by time constraints from the day job, time with family, etc.
• The game live streams will be focused on Diablo 3 through the end of the year. We will revisit with another quarterly update at the end of Q4 asking if we should stay or go for a new game.
• Streams will continue to be broadcasted on Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch.tv so you can watch from which ever platform you wish to experience the channel on.
• We do have a donation like through the stream labs and it will be read over during the livestream games.
Channel Video Podcasts are going live Mondays
• We will be adding Monday’s livestream for our podcast every week. We hope to start between 6-7PM MST/7-8PM CST. Again, start times may vary day to day just like the game livestream so make you are followed, notifications are on, as well as follow us on twitter to know right when we go live.
• We are moving to a content rotation each month where Jay, ReAnne, and Alakai will take turns each month to plan their own topics to discuss to give the podcast more variety. First Monday is Alakai, Second Monday is Jay, and third Monday is ReAnne. We will be doing reviews and discussions on movies and tv series at the end of every month on the 4th/5th Monday of each month.
• Will also be uploading our podcasts onto Spotify sometime soon in Q2 so stay tuned to receive an announcement on that information is released.
Channel Video Content Changes
We know that the Entertainment News videos have been hit or a miss as of late and we have seen a down turn on their views, likes, and time watched. Please let us know through your feedback where we can improve onto these video content releases.
• Since the livestreaming has been a huge success, channel videos will be reduced from 6-8 a week to 2-4 a week.
• The goal is to put more planning into this type of content, better outlines, and spend more time in the pre-production of the creative process. This will increase the quality of those videos moving forward which should be a better viewer experience.
• We just recently switched to an uncut version of the ent news videos so we are seeing how they do in Q2 before we decide to keep doing them that way or switch back to edited videos.
• The 45 second reviews I feel are still doing well especially on TicTok with my Brand New Cherry Flavor review with over 8k views and over 50 likes! Thank you all for the support even though we have no clue how that one got big.

Last 90 Days Q1
Up 765 Views 72% More
Up 27.2 Hours Watched 10% More
Up 3 Subscribers 250% More
15.5k Impressions 211% More
Last 90 Days Q1
Down 371 Reach 51% Less
Up Visits 22 175% More
Up 3 Likes 50% More
Last 90 Days Q1 (30 Days Technically)
Up 17 Total Followers
Up .7 Average Viewers
Up 47h56m
149 Unique Viewers
17 Unique Chatters
50 Followers Total
628 Likes Total
Average Views around 200ish
2 videos over 4k views!
45 second review for Brand New Cherry Flavor over 8K and climbing!
Up 105 Tweets 40% More
Up 13.6k Impressions 549.8% More
Up 3,511 Visits 109% More
Up 8 Mentions 3.3% More
Down -3 Followers

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