The Great Rotation Is Upon Us, Buy Gold And Never Look Back, I Think The Word Is De-Dollarizing

2 years ago

We just made a huge mistake, There is a changing of the gaurd underway which could topple king dollar from the throne. For anyone who has eyes we knew something would stir up such an alliance among all the world economies against a one currency ruling economy, meaning the dollar. The entire global economic system has been designed by us And almost all transactions in the world move through the swift system.
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transcript opening
"I wanted to do this briefly and bring up some reasons fundamentally that gold is going to be exceptionally strong into the future there's this misconception right now that if this conflict comes to an end the world's not going to need safe havens anymore and they're going to back away and it's just going to drop down to nothing and i think this is totally nonsense in my personal opinion not investment advice i think gold is about to kick butt right now it's about to go to places we've never seen and there's some very solid reasons for that what we've just done is a mistake i believe and we've gone and implemented these sanctions and we have pushed countries like Ru$$ia and china together they're now working together and their economies are becoming more intertwined than ever before and this was a swift problem so they are now working out systems of payment to be able to utilize between each other they're essentially begging china right now not to interact with them not to circumvent the sanctions not to purchase things from them and they're just doing it anyway they purchased double the amount of gas that they did before and they're getting good deals on this stuff the problem is both of them are saying the same thing that we need a new order in regards to the monetary system not the current dollar being used as the world reserve currency but something neutral like gold is what they're recommending so that means that a lot of countries are looking at what's going on with the confiscation of these fx reserves they just went and voted and passed a bill that was about confiscating fx reserves held outside of the borders of your own country how can it be a safe haven if it can be confiscated and that's what countries like china are realizing right now and they are a major purchaser of our treasuries there was this report it was actually a fake news report that went out suggesting that china was ready to begin selling and they weren't it was a pretty violent reaction and it happened very very fast so if just a simple report that they're going to be selling their treasuries what happens if they really begin secondly the repo crisis not too long ago they tried to bury this and put it down like it was nothing they're trying to say oh it's just some problems with the plumbing and that's not the case these banks did not trust the collateral they were holding and they were trying to trade u.s treasuries this problem has been made infinitely worse if the world no longer wants these u.s treasuries who becomes the buyer well that's where the qe comes in the fed is not supposed to purchase treasuries outright or finance treasuries outright but in a sense they're using some sort of circumvention to get around that if it's the fed printing money to purchase our debt and they're the only ones that really want to be able to fund all this debt we need that's a real bad problem so they need to print money to do this and what happens to the value of the dollar when they do that what happens to the value of gold"
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