4/4/22 Will Justice Jumanji be confirmed & Joe implicated in Hunter Biden business deals?

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Will we get sexual predator & pedophile sympathizer Jumanji Brown Jackson on the SCOTUS . U.S. Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson on Monday picked up the support of two more Republican senators, all but cementing her confirmation this week as the first Black woman to serve on the nation's highest court.

Senators Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney announced that they will vote for Jackson, joining Republican Senator Susan Collins who made her support clear last week. Jackson is expected to win the backing of all 48 Democrats and two independents, giving her a majority of support in the 100-member chamber. It's highly convenient that Pedo Joe Biden nominates Kentanji Jackson to SCOTUS considering here light sentences on child sexual predators , men who collect & distribute child porn.

1. Control Opp Joe Rogan on vaccines 2 years ago promoting the Covid19 vaccine calling people who oppose the vaccine , kooks & crazy

2. Dr. Malone wants start doxing the WEF

3. latest Gaff from Resident Joke Biden says I’m deeply proud of the work [Jill is] doing as first lady with Joining Forces initiative she started with Michelle Obama when she was vice president

4. Jesse Watters says on Fox news they RIGGED THE ELECTION

5. Kristina Karamo SOUNDS OFF on government officials who deem American citizens concerned about election integrity

6. National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd say they trying to change the demographic of electorate

7. Lt Governor Mark Robinson If there’s a movement in this country that is demonic and full of the spirit of the anti-Christ, it is the transgender movement

8. Madison Cawthorn I'm about to define what a woman is for you XX chromosomes, no tallywcker its so simple

9. Chuck Grassley follow the money we have plenty bank records show Biden Family connected CCP

10. Bill Barr green light the investigation into Hunter Biden Laptop

11. Liz Harrinton Biden & Harris should be resigning , impeached Joe Biden can’t do anything with Ukraine or Russia because his family has taken money from both of those countries

12. Joe Biden is absolutely implicated in Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals

13. Kentanji Brown Jackson choose leniency man who had Child porn on his computer & even baby torture case

14. Convicted Child Rapist nabbed for assault after lax sentence from Kentanji

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