Healthy foods to help your puppy's health.

2 years ago

Healthy foods to help your puppy's health.
Did you know that there are natural, super-healthy foods that can help your dog's health?
Just like us, they also need a rich menu, full of nutrients and ingredients that bring benefits to various points of their health.
Did you know that we need to take care of our friends' intestinal health,
especially those who may present some kind of predisposition to digestive diseases? That's right.
For this, you can include oatmeal in your dog's diet, because it is rich in fiber and ensures a healthier intestinal transit.
Lean meat also comes in as one of the healthy foods to help your dog's health. This is because it has a large amount of protein, important for maintaining the muscle health of our companion.
However, it is necessary to know how to choose which vegetables and legumes can be given to dogs, because not all of them have beneficial effects. Therefore, always opt for: Carrots : Because they are sources of vitamin A and assist in cleaning teeth ,Pumpkin seedless: Rich in vitamin A and fiber, aiding in digestion, Broccoli: With great load of fiber, besides being a great regulator for blood pressure Kale: Ally in weight loss, since it satisfies hunger without weighing so much.
Natural yogurt (without sugar) can also be a strong ally in the care of your pet's health. This is because it is rich in calcium, strengthening the bones and leaving the teeth healthier.
If you want to take care of your dog's skin and hair, offer fish! This is because they are rich in fatty acids, making the coat shinier and the skin healthier. In addition, it also has omega 3, protein, and vitamins that strengthen the dog's immune system.
Remember to talk to your veterinarian. Our suggestions of healthy foods are not a substitute for pet food, which is fortified with all the nutrients your dog needs.

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