Time is up and Jesus will take only those who belong to Him and leave everyone else left behind

2 years ago

Then the bridegroom arrived at midnight and the wise bridesmaids entered and the door was shut and the foolish bridesmaids who were not ready banged on the door and said let us enter but the bridegroom said no go away for I do not know you! Then people will cry out and say Lord Lord did we not preach in the streets, go to church all the time, caste out demons and I will say depart from Me you workers from inquinity for I never knew you!! Time is now up and the bride and the Holy Spirit will be gone from this demonic world but all the lukewarm church people who refused to get ready will all be left behind and will have to prove they love Jesus even if they kill them and take their families and shot them in front of them for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his demonic vaccine mark of the beast!! Once you get left behind that is it!! Jesus will not come back and get you at all! Heaven door will be slammed shut and those outside will not enter at all!! The age of grace is over and God will pour out His tribulation judgements and wrath on everyone after the rapture happens!! We are pulled out of this wicked world before the 7 year tribulation begins and God pours out His tribulation judgements on everyone left behind!! The antichrist will then take over the entire world for 7 years and it will be hell on earth!! You have been warned Jesus was coming but refused to get ready so when the rapture happens and you get left behind it is your own fault not God because you were to busy enjoying the world, trying to be a good person by going to church all the time, and you are now left behind!! It is up to you to follow Jesus or the antichrist!! There is no middle ground at all in the tribulation period

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