Pump Driven vs. Kratky Hydroponics – Miyagi Mornings Epi-160

3 years ago

If you like these videos you will likely love my podcast and all my other stuff you can find at http://tspc.co

I have not talked a great deal about hydro lately and I am staring to get more questions about it so lets look at the two main macro methods of hydro today. While there are many sorts of hydro NFT, flood and drain, etc. we today will just call those "pump driven".

They other primary type is known as Kratky named for the now famous PhD from Hawaii who created the concept that now bears his name. Kratky is dead simple, hydro fertilizer fluid is put into a container, plants are started and as the fluid evaporates the roots get plenty of O2.

In my view neither of these methods is "better than the other" they are both a bit it depends. Today we will start with why Kratky came up with his method in the first place. That will lead us strait to what "it depends upon" when making the choice for your own needs.

Flag Featured in this video is here – https://amzn.to/36wGHXK

Microphone I use – https://amzn.to/3AXdS4C

All the items I recommend for Hydro and Aqua Ponics - https://bit.ly/tsp-hydro

My Podcast Covering the Basics of Kratky Hydro - https://bit.ly/3zwoczw

Pretty much everything I have done on hydro on my podcast - https://bit.ly/3zwosyu

Dr. Kratky's YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjwBvl5MXuQMziQL2_pQCPA

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