Are you delegating to your kids the wrong way?

1 year ago

What are the biggest mistakes moms make when handing out the chores? Got any ideas?

Great – let’s see how your answers stack up.

‘Cause there is definitely a right and a wrong way to get your family involved in chores – and today it’s time for you to learn the right way.

Are you ready to start cleaning less? (Trick question, I know.)

What you’ll learn:
• How to skip giving your kids the “token” chores
• How to guide your kids through the “when should I do chores” process
• When to skip delegating and keep a task for yourself

Get in the weeds of your family to-do list, start handing out assignments, and watch your workload shrink.

It’s an amazing feeling. And you deserve the capable, life-ready kids that come with it.

Which housekeeping task are you handing off today?

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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