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Are your kids doing too many chores?

2 years ago

Are your kids overworked, or are they just barely skating by with a few token chores?

As moms, we don’t want our kids to turn into the unpaid help while we laze around the house. (As if!) But how do we strike that balance between letting our kids do too much or too little?

Here’s how to decide: We’re going to look at values, interests, and your gut. And by the end of this, you’ll know whether to ramp up the chore load or decrease it.

Ready? Here we go!

What you’ll learn:
• How to set your family values around chores
• Why matching your kids’ interests to their chores works like a charm
• How to check in with your mom intuition about your kids’ workload

Perhaps you’ve been assuming your kids just need to “get with it” and start cleaning whether they like it or not.

Hey, even you have household tasks you like better than others. (Folding laundry and packaging leftovers would be mine!)

Set the example, let your kids know you’re ALLOWED to enjoy work, and start using everyone’s strengths to your benefit.

A little fun goes a long way.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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