How To Keep Him Interested In You - 10 Tips!

3 years ago

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The ONE Secret To Keeping A Guy Interested In You
By: Carlos Cavallo

Have you ever found yourself thinking: "I really like him!"
And then, right after that: "Don't screw this up!"

Talk about a recipe for stage fright.

But when you meet a great guy, you don't want him to slip through your fingers - and into some other woman's arms.

You can do a lot of small things to attract a man, and you can do a TON of things to try and keep him interested in you...

But all of those methods just feel empty and kind of forced most of the time, right?

Look, it's not hard to keep a man's interest.

What? You don't believe me?

Think about when a guy is watching his favorite sports team play.

How involved is he?

How interested in that game...?

A lot, am I right?

Or any hobby he's into, or television show, or whatever it is that keeps him rapt.

You don't have to match the production value of "Game of Thrones" or anything, but you should think about what makes his game or show so compelling and eye-grabbing.

These are the clues to the switches you can flip in a man's mind - to get and KEEP his attention glued to you.

Let's go through a few tricks:

TRICK #1: Don't try to outshine him...
It doesn't matter if you're the CEO of your company, or the #1 pinned image that month on Pinterest. Or you're so smart that you can speak ten languages and do differential calculus in your head.

A man doesn't fall in love with you because of the superficial reasons you might think attract him. (This is also a mistake a lot of guys make.)

He'll fall in love with your HEART - not your brain (nor your bank account).
woman heart The ONE Secret To Keeping A Guy Interested In You
Your secret weapon...

Yet, time and again I see women thinking that the best way to snag a guy is to wow him with your fact sheet.

He needs to know you've got the biggest heart around before he will care about the rest.

You see, he's looking for a woman whose heart is so big that it has room for you AND him in there. And your mom, dad, siblings, cousins, etc.

A man can live his whole life without the kind of nurturing love they crave. They hide this need under a stoic exterior that might fool you.

You might fall for that belief because you're looking for the security of his embrace.

But if you've seen those pictures of a guy hugging a woman from behind her, you should know that he'd MUCH rather you be facing him and making that embrace mutual.

TRICK #2: Give him just a little uncertainty....
A man needs something to challenge him. Every step of the way, really.

The pattern goes like this:

Two steps forward, one step back...

Two steps forward, one step back...

You'll notice that this pattern is still moving forward on the whole. But the rhythm gives a little space in there for him to wonder: "Is she really into me? Could I (gasp) lose her?"

Human beings respond to uncertainty even more than certainty.

What this means is that as soon as we get the security we seek -

When we get the affirmation of "this relationship is real" that we want, we immediately start taking that relationship for granted.

We don't like to think we do this, but we do. It's human nature.

So don't make the big mistake of overwhelming a man with your desire for him. It's the fastest way to kill his desire for you.

He needs uncertainty to pull him into working for you... CHASING you.

When you pull back a little, it CHALLENGES him.

And a man needs this challenge to spur him on.

It's in our DNA...

It tells him you're worthy of his interest. So don't run him over with love, let him come to your open heart and experience it by winning your heart.

TRICK #3: Engage his senses...
Men also live in a self-imposed sensory deprivation tank...

- We don't get a lot of physical affection on a regular basis the way many women do

- We don't get much in the way of taste and smell stimulation - beyond the nasty odors of the rooms guys avoid in their house.

One of the best ways you can get him interested in you is to...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Keep Him Interested In You

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