Pop Song 190 'Foolish Heart' Steve Perry 1984

2 years ago

Pop Song 190 'Foolish Heart' Steve Perry 1984

"Foolish Heart" is a song written by Steve Perry, formerly of the band Journey, and Randy Goodrum, and was performed by Perry from his first solo album, Street Talk.

The music video for "Foolish Heart" is unusual in the fact that it is one continuous shot from beginning to end. The setting is a darkened hall with the camera overlooking a balcony rail towards the stage. On the stage, in a blue spotlight, is a boom mic and a stool. Perry walks onto the stage, sits and the song begins. Over the course of the video, the camera pans towards the stage, pauses a brief moment on Perry and then slowly returns to its original position over the balcony rail. At the end of the song, Perry walks off stage.

There is an alternate 'holiday' ending to this video which is rarely included. A second camera shot shows Perry walking off the stage towards the camera. The rest of the members of Journey (Neal Schon, Jonathan Cain, Steve Smith, Ross Valory) greet Perry as he approaches. With champagne in hand, the band wishes their fans a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year. Perry then says "Let's go cut a track" and they exit via the stage. Many believe this was a nod to the fans that Perry was returning to write and perform with Journey

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