Ukraine Mainstream Propaganda. When Did Politician's Start Telling The Truth?

2 years ago

Think for your self dont be a puppet to the media. US says no labs find out there is...... Media says no Nazi's find out there is, don't believe it? Well all the mainstream media did before the war who is Azov? Who is in control of the western media narrative?

Try for ounce in your life to step outside the norm, Because you might not get the chance a second chance. Imagin your wrong about russia and after world war 3 starts, thinking ''I wish i would of thought for my self''.

Hitler’s most important individual contribution to the theory and practice of Nazism was his deep understanding of mass psychology and mass propaganda. He stressed the fact that all propaganda must hold its intellectual level at the capacity of the least intelligent of those at whom it is directed and that its truthfulness is much less important than its success.

Democrats: You act out of Emotion. People are dying we most help! At least some of them.
Republicans: You act out of Patriotism. All it took was 5 words "I need ammunition not a ride."

Support this man risking everything for a different point of view.
Support: for the end video
for the song at the end that Speeks Truth.

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