Lost History Of Earth Volume 2

2 years ago

Volume 2 of the EPIC continuation of series 1 by Ewaranon... This documentary continues to ask questions, and explores the hidden history that has been stolen, deleted, rewritten and given to mankind, which is taught to the masses, and are outright lies. Ask the questions. Open your mind. Reject the propaganda the false shepherds have been feeding to the sheeple of the world. This is the time we all need to truly wake up. It is too late for most of the world. BUT as the bible teaches and predicts, this time would come, many will be deceived, but make sure you aren't one of them. Educate. Read. Research. Care about the ancient writings that lead the way for those that care about the End Times, and how not to be deceived. The TRUTH shall set you free. Forgiveness of sins through Christ, our Savior is the answer to all the questions. Seek and the door is opened. Repent and sins are forgiven. We are at the end of history, and God is long suffering, not willing that any of his children should parish, but that all would repent, accept His gift of salvation, and live with Him forever for the eternity. Let' do this people!

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