Sen. Ron Johnson Calls Out The Massive Media Cover Up For Hunter Biden

2 years ago

Red Voice Media Published April 3, 2022

"We are all being snookered by them..."

By Gregory Hoyt
April 3, 2022

On April 3rd, Republican Sen. Ron Johnson appeared on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” where he dove into the corruption of the mainstream media and how they engaged in a “cover up” of all things tying Hunter Biden to shady business dealings with adversarial nations.

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo at first asked Sen. Johnson whether he believed Hunter would wind up facing charges in connection with these shady dealings, to which Sen. Johnson noted he wasn’t sure. She then segueing into the nefarious actions taken by the mainstream media regarding Hunter.

“I don’t know what the Justice Department is going to do – I do know that I don’t trust the Justice Department. And I think really what the New York Times and the Washington Post articles proved is how complicit they have been and continue to be in the cover up. And quite honestly, they’re not impartial, they’re advocates of the Democrat party, the radical Left. You know, the Washington Post learned a lot of lessons from their coverage of Nixon, when you get caught in a cover-up, messes happen.

“The media is being caught in a cover-up, they’re being caught with their lies, what you do – and this is an intelligence community technique – is you engage in what they call a limited hangout, or in Nixon’s case, a modified limited hangout. You let out just enough information, just enough truth, to try and get you by the moment. We can’t allow our intelligence agencies, Department of Justice, the FBI, or the media to get away with this.

“This is serious business; this is unbelievable corruption at the highest levels of government and within our media. We are all being snookered by them, this has been a – from my standpoint – a massive diversionary operation to try and take the American public’s attention away from their wrongdoing, their lies, their cover ups.”

Bartiromo had brought up the fact that Sen. Johnson was among the first to call out – with evidence in tow – the existence of these alarming transactions between Hunter and countries like Russia and China back in September of 2020.

The Wisconsin senator detailed where this evidence was obtained from at the time, with media outlets at the time scoffing at his findings and chalking it up to “Russian disinformation.”

“Well our report was based off almost exclusively on U.S. government documents and interviews with U.S. citizens. And of course, it was all lied about – falsely accused of disseminating Russian disinformation – it wasn’t. We had treasury documents that showed a very troubling number of wire transfers that detailed out a vast web of foreign financial entanglements.

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“Specifically, we were able to document about $13 million with flows between Russia, between Burisma, between members of the communist party regime in China, but that was all ignored by the press. You know, they looked at our report in September of 2020 and just shrugs, ‘Oh, no evidence of criminal activity here. No evidence that Joe Biden’s implicated in all this.’ They covered it up. And as a result, they got Joe Biden elected, now they continue cover ups for him.

“This is troubling. Now we have actual bank records that verify what we reported back in September of 2020 is true. The laptop is obviously a treasure trove of additional corroborating evidence, as well. And unfortunately, our intelligence agencies, the FBI, have been sitting on this information and unfortunately, they were complicit as well in the cover up.”

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