Community Shock Test #1: Tooljitsu at the Park

2 years ago

What scares you more?

a) Family Guy carrying hand tools with precisely a zero percent chance of harming an innocent person? (As you can guess, nobody cared, was offended, or startled by me on my walk with my wife & kids in Edmonton today)

b) Politicians, public officials, and their corporate handlers who take bribes; cheat on their spouses; attend drug-fueled "Pizza Parties"; openly admire China's ruling party; schmooze with gangsters; tax us like slaves; shut down small business; suffocate us with mask mandates; push deadly vaxxinations; impose Digital ID as a condition of entry; trap their citizens within their own country; jail pastors; beat up truckers; freeze bank accounts; seize firearms; open borders to mass migration of fighting-age foreign males; reward terrorists with cash and law degrees; lower real wages; cause inflation; pit one race against others; collapse our economy; force communist wealth distribution schemes; incentivize divorce; poison mentally-ill addicts with hard drugs at tax payer expense; euthanize the elderly; kill babies inside and outside of the womb; seek war for profit; conduct mass surveillance/censorship campaigns against civilians; lower the age of consent for anal sex; normalize pedophilia; indoctrinate kids with LGBT propaganda; and criminalize parents who refuse to go along with trans-sexually castrating their children? (in a nutshell.... Outlawing the Teachings of Jesus)

c) Actually taking responsibility for ourselves? (Be honest now....)

d) Both A and C?

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