Is Ukraine causing the PRC to recalculate its plans for a Taiwan invasion?

2 years ago

Grant Newsham is the president of KCPAC (Korean Conservative Political Action Conference) and a Senior Research Fellow with the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C. – particularly focusing on Asia/Pacific security, political and economic matters. He is a retired US Marine Colonel and served as reserve head of intelligence for Marine Forces Pacific, and was the US Marine Attaché, US Embassy Tokyo on two occasions.

Mr. Newsham lived in Tokyo for over twenty years and worked in executive roles at a Western investment bank and a major American high-tech firm. He is also a former US Foreign Service Officer – with work covering a number of regions – including East and South Asia, and specializing in insurgency, counterinsurgency, and commercial matters.

Mr. Newsham is also an attorney with experience in international trade, public international law, and criminal law.

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