2 years ago


Bill 100, Keeping Ontario Open for Business Act, 2022 and slaves chained!
Nothing Honorable about any of these parasites starting with this parasite (The Hon. S. Jones Solicitor General)

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Sovereigns , Do YOU know you can Stop being a SLAVE if you take these simple steps - Research

I've read through this Bill in its entirety and ITS THE SAME OLD FRAUD the company canada INC and the sociopaths

AS USUAL like all the other crap they create,tyrannical and draconian piece of FRAUD legislation from the parasite company Canada

HISTORY has proven without a DOUBT only ONE WAY TO REMOVE A TYRANT

Again any and all these parasites pass , go against natural Law, and unalienable rights.

These parasites who think they are gods, and may create what ever they want MUST be stopped! So are you ready.

I have examined many pieces of legislation at the provincial and federal levels for years. ALL of these parasites MUST be held to A Natural LAW grand Jury,, OUR JURY ! NOT THERE FRAUD of colour of law!

The intent may be : to prevent trucks from impeding critical infrastructure and trade routes. Unfortunately, it goes far further. The powers conferred allow for the seizure of all property, including homes, for far less than another convoy or blockade.

Cars and trucks may be seized administratively with no hearing or trial. Same with one's licence and plates. They can just take it. No hearing. No trial. No presumption of innocence. One is guilty until proven innocent- and there is no incentive or practicable way for one to be proven innocent. See section 9(3).

Summary arrests without a warrant are also contained in section 13. The powers are all non-emergency measures.

The Act lasts forever.

There is no sunset clause. It's designed to remove Rights or they say So, Are you getting Tired of the Bullshit from these parasites and this thing called canada INC and these parasites called Politicians, If OS come see us, in every Nation,

Some People who either are uneducated or controlled opposition keep pushing the fraud called the Charter of NO rights, and centuries' old British common law ( Which is The Ugly Truth of the Magna Carta Scam which gives al the allodial title and land title to these so call scum bags

This information MUST now start to wake you up and realize everything in their Scam courts, has always been a FRAUD

The entire longstanding legal fraud is 100 percent a FRAUD!s

Everyone accused as guilty, not innocent. The Unlawful fraud system of the US , Canada , Mexico, Turkey, or China!

Bill 100 would represent a giant leap towards obtaining such a goal.

The Globalist Convoy to Ottawa just furthered their objectives of the Emergency Act. and so many were fooled it was a grass root protest. All the protests created for just a few are all created by the controlled opposition. As Long as your protesting the Globalists love it,

This means you're pre occupied NOT working (SMART) on plans or solutions

The amendments to the Civil Remedies Act- legislation that has been used to seize houses- is unconscionable and completely unwarranted. WHY is this Because YOU NEVER HAD A CONSTITUTION !

No need for another convoy or blockade, either, to trigger the usage of said Act.

NO one with any critical thinking skills are at all shocked at the lightning pace that this is being rammed through the legislature in record time. its all smoke and mirror

Bill 100 authorizes the seizure of property, including one's home, for the following reasons, amongst other things via amendments to the Civil Remedies Act:

18 (1) Subsection 7 (1) of the Civil Remedies Act, 2001 is amended by adding the following definition:

“injury to the public” includes,

(a) any unreasonable interference with the public’s interest in the enjoyment of property,

(b) any unreasonable interference with the public’s interest in questions of health, safety, comfort or convenience,

[Emphasis added]

If one interferes with the public's interest in mere questions of "comfort or convenience", the government may seize one's property without ever convicting them of a crime.

These terms are not defined and are open to such expansive interpretation that, if history serves as any guide, stunning abuses of power will result with zero checks or balances to prevent them.

This is called "civil asset forfeiture" and represents a great contradiction to what the Premier and his Attorney General did with the Reilly case in August, 2018. They stood on principle and ceased the nearly decade-long persecution of Orillia landlords convicted of nothing, while the properties decayed significantly during the government's possession.

Crime similarly increased while under the government's ownership. This echoes the disastrous experiences of civil forfeiture in the United States since 1984, where small towns such as Dunedin, Florida seized more houses than all of Ontario did at its zenith in the use of the Civil Remedies Act. But that may soon change.

the Canada corporation Charter rights at sections 2(b) and (c), 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11(d) would all be severely imperiled by this draconian legislation.

Our natural justice rights- simply the right to be heard and to be able to meet the case made against the accused- would literally be cancelled. Our property rights would similarly be cancelled and will be at the whim of an administrator who would be provided the consolidated powers of prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner.

All law enforcement is also made immune to civil litigation unless bad faith can be proven. Is any of this right? Is it fair? Is it just?

These were developed not over years or decades, but over centuries under British Common Law doctrine, tradition and practice.

So do you Comprehend the this Bullshit of Common Law really is, and why so many controlled opposition keep you regurgitating this Fraud.

What has happened to YOU or I or the other Sovereigns really depends on US actually ending this shit show called canada Inc , and arresting and and all these politicians involved in this fraud to our Unalienable Rights

So many have been deceived by all these controlled opposition leaderless movements, regurgitating deceit,

Canada is not a country, never was a country, nor have We the sovereigns ratified any constitution, the canada act, is not a constitution , ITS a DOCUMENT OF FRAUD! created by BAR Attorned or what uneducated people call lawyers, What ever you call them , lawyers are frauds and work to maintain the criminal business of this thing called canada Inc.

So these people who are incompetent or corrupt who push this crap canada has a constitution or the charter of NO rights or the Useless bill of Rights its 100 percent nonsense, Stop listening to these people,

They are either incompetent or Controlled opposition!

Over the past two years and especially over the past 6-8 months?

Consent and bodily autonomy have been cancelled.

Now, unsurprisingly, with several provisions of the Reopening Ontario Act set to be revoked, this Act will take its place.

But unlike the ROA, Bill 100 does not effect a virtually permanent state of emergency.

It's business as usual. Tyranny will literally become the new normal with no end in sight.

And please make absolutely no mistake about it: what I have highlighted in Bill 100 is tyranny defined and personified.

It all was brought to you by this evil corporation called Canada.

Is this what anyone voted for, or would ever vote for, in this crap ?

I never voted in this corrupt fiction called elections, and everyone of these parasites called politicians MUST be Stopped.

This is where they will take us with the fraud called elections. An elected representative and member of this current scam MUST be ended !

I urge you in the strongest possible terms to either defeat this Criminal thing called Canada, or British Columbia, or Alberta or Ontario legislation at all costs

To find peace, solace, justice, freedom and the protection of our most basic Unalienable rights

We MUST Act NOW on Solution, and defend our future at any all means. They have always declared war on our Natural Law, and our Sovereignty and unalienable Rights!

Most respectfully,


Constitutional Conventions

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