Our True Enemy by MertwithYert | Humans are space Orcs | HFY | TFOS1042

3 years ago

Original Story : https://bit.ly/3DUL2Um
RandomShtuff Podcast : https://youtu.be/tXlP1aDBk-0

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❗❗❗This is done with the Authors knowledge and approval❗❗❗
Greetings Ladies and Mentlegents and welcome to my channel where I like to make LEGAL Audiobooks of various types from web novels and short stories. If you are new to the channel then click on the information icon for the entire playlist to help get you up to current faster.

This Oneshot was Taken from the HFY subreddit which hosts mostly Sci-Fi based short stories called oneshots and series. It is done with the Authors Permission.

As Always i hope you enjoy and can find some content on my channel you like. Feel free to recommend a series or a story and i will have a look into it.

Thank you to Tier 4 and 5 Patreons and Channel Members:
Brenton Verlo
John Silva
William Howard
Fannar Hjálmarsson
Bob the Dragon
Sergeant Boomer
Cat Crab Lobster
Duck Machine

00:00 Intro
00:41 Shots Fired by elspawno

#Audiobook #Fiction #HumansAreSpaceOrcs

Email : Agrosquerrils@gmail.com
Twitter : https://twitter.com/agrosquerrils
Streamlabs : https://streamlabs.com/agrosquerrils
Discord : https://discord.gg/XeMwEqX
Instagram : Agro_Squerril_Narrates
Lbry : @AgroSquerrilNarrates

This Story is Classified as HFY , but what does the Mean?
HFY is a story/series that takes a “human element” in either humanity or an “other” (race/species or object) that exists in a “setting” (future or other world/universe) with varying levels of culture, technology, society and history that help show in some shape or form the potential good or bad for humanity’s race/culture.
Taken from the FAQ of the r/HFY subreddit.

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