False Prophets Follow Them at Your Own Peril | Ep 131 | The Simple Life with Gary Collins

2 years ago

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As some of you know, I have been planning this episode for a long time. This is one of the few times I have lost sleep on how to address an incredibly important topic that no one seems to want to tackle. I consider this episode to be one of the most important I have ever done. Will some misinterpret the information in this episode? Yes. But I don’t care, I’m going to say what I have to say. To soften it a bit, I bring on Rob Kendall, to keep it fair and balanced and not just a “Gary Rant.”
Rob Kendall joins me again on the show and we discuss the False Prophets in society today. Who are they? How do they destroy our lives by us believing their BS?
Miriam Weaver and Rob Kendall, or Mock ‘N Rob, are heard live in central Indiana Monday through Friday from 9 am to noon. Mock is co-founder of The Chicks On The Right, and Rob was the youngest elected official in Hendricks County when he won a seat on the Brownsburg Town Council. Every day they boil down a complicated world with passionate conversation and a wicked sense of humor. It’s the stories you need to know more about and the stories other media hope you miss entirely. No topic is taboo and no public figure gets a pass!

Topics Discussed:

* Why and how the False Prophets are destroying society and our lives
* Rob’s view and thoughts of today’s False Prophets
* Examples of today’s False Prophets and how they trick us into thinking they really care and live the principles they prescribe
* Understanding human's fascination with “idol worshipping.”
* How do politicians constantly play the part of savior when they are actually a False Prophet
* Why pro athletes are a terrible source of inspiration for bettering your life
* Why it is so important to get your information from the people who have experience in what you are trying to learn
* Why you should never get life advice from a celebrity



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Episode Resources:

* Mock N’ Rob Show: https://www.wibc.com/show/mock-n-rob/
* Other Appearance by Rob on Podcast: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com/robert-kendall-critical-race-theory-101/
* The Simple Life Website: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com
*Make sure to signup and be a member of The Simple Life Insider's Circle at: https://www.thesimplelifenow.com/the-simple-life/

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